Already Missing You

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Jack's POV

"I kissed her... I KISSED HER AND SHE KISSED BACK!" I squealed while driving back. I couldn't believe I did something like that on our first date. Ugh... I already miss her.

I pulled over to my driveway and got out of the car. It was pretty late and I just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep. As I unlocked the front door, I felt my phone buzz in the pocket. I stepped in the house and took out my phone. I kicked my trainers off and checked it. There was a text message from Mark and... a text message from y/n. It was sent before we met.

Y/n: You're still coming, right? I've been here for a while already. If you changed your mind, please tell me.

I groaned. I didn't see that message before. Because I was late, she was afraid I wouldn't come. I already knew that she didn't think highly about herself, but she's amazing, I would never leave her. She has gone through too much crap.

My phone showed me the second message from Mark.

Markimoo: Hey! How was your date? What is she like?

Markimoo: I know you got the message. Answer me!

I chuckled.

Jack: Sorry, I went through some other messages :)  The date was amazing by the way! She is such an amazing person! Thank you!

Markimoo: Haha, every girl wishes for boys to talk of them behind their back like you do. And no need to thank me, I just wanted to help.

Jack: You're not going to believe what happened after the date though ;)

Markimoo: C'mon don't make me excited!! Tell me!

Jack: We kissed.

Markimoo: WHAT? No way! Who started?

Jack: Me. I was actually kinda afraid I'd moved to fast, but she kissed back :D

Markimoo: You're a ladies man Jack I swear to God. Good job man. I told you, everything is going to be alright!

Jack: I think it's going to work with her. I've never been so happy, being with anyone else.

Markimoo: Umm... Excuse me?!

Jack: You're unbelievable.

Markimoo: Okay, okay :D I have to go now. Tell me when you've got another date, keep me updated!

Jack: Sure thing! Bye!

Markimoo: Bye!

I placed my phone on the table and took off my jacket. A yawn creeped up as a sign to get to the shower. I grabbed my towel from the washing machine and headed to the bathroom.


The shower was amazing. There's nothing like a hot shower after a long day. I stepped out of the shower in my boxers, drying my hair. Suddenly my phone lit up. I sat on the couch and grabbed it.

Y/n: Thank you again for tonight, I had a great time with you. I hope to see you again soon!

Jack: I'm really glad I met you! We'll definitely see again!

Y/n: Hope so! Goodnight Sean! Sweet dreams! Try to rest, I saw these dark circles around your eyes.

She kept calling me Sean. I told her that everybody calls me Jack, but she insisted. I actually kinda liked it. Since everybody called me Jack, she made it special.

Jack: Sleep tight! And don't worry, I'll rest well.

I already wanted to see her again. I'll have to ask Mark for advice on where to take her next. God damn it, I should've asked her, where would she want to go next time. Welp, I guess I'll have to improvise. I looked at the clock. 11:47 pm. I really should get some sleep. I have some more videos to record tomorrow. Huh, maybe I could record one right now? No, I promised y/n I'd sleep.

I got up, took my phone and headed to the bedroom. I took the charger and plugged my phone in. Climbing on the bed I realized, I should've taken some pictures of our first date. Or at least a selfie. I sighed. I guess I'll do it next time then.

I pulled the blanket up to my chin and closed my eyes. I was happy. Happier than I've been for the past few months. Slowly I dozed off. My phone buzzed. I sleepily took the phone. Y/n sent me a photo. It was a picture of Sam, in a tiny bed on the nightstand, next to y/n's bed.

Y/n: I told you, he has a place by my bed!

She is adorable.

Jack: You are so adorable! I love you.

Y/n: Love you too!

It was so weird, we had only seen eachother once, but I felt such a strong connection with her. I smiled at the last text and put my phone back on the nightstand. I turned on my right side and closed my eyes again. This time I fell asleep.

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