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     Me and this girl in my grade have the same birthday, but she is a year older than me. Her parents planned this surprise birthday party for her at school! It was fun, we got cupcakes, chips, and caprisuns! Anyway, everyone kept coming around to our lunch table and was like, "(her name) your awesome!", "(her name) happy birthday!", and things like that. The thing that bugged me was that they had no idea who she was, had never talked to her in their lives, she didn't do anything so her parents were awesome not her, and it was my birthday too! I didn't feel that embarrassed, I just felt old and left out, like everybody knew it was my birthday but didn't want to celebrate anymore. Also, she was my friend and just having these random people call her awesome and the best, was just wrong. Inside I was like, "Um, you don't even know who she is. She could be really mean to you or, she could just not care. You don't know."

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