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  • Dedicated to My Cousin Alexis (TODAY IS HER BIRTHDAY!)

                                                               CHAPTER ELEVEN:


The Next Morning

Sydney woke up to the sound of knocking. She slipped out of bed, the other girls fast asleep. She opened the door and there stood Craig. He was holding a tray with two plates. They each had eggs, rolls, bacon, and fruit on them. Two glasses of orange juice sat to the side.

Sydney: “Hey!.. I didn’t think you’d actually come.”

Craig: “ Heyy..of course I showed up, I always keep my promises.”

She smiled.

Sydney:  “ Come in. You can go set everything down on the table, I’m gonna go cleanup.”

She stepped in the bathroom and began brushing her teeth while craig sat outside in the room.

                                       **Craig’s Point of View**

I scanned the room as I took notice of three other girls spread across the two beds. One in particular caught my eye though. I looked up as Sydney stepped out of the bathroom.

Sydney: “I see you’ve found my friends.”

Dang. She’d seen me looking at that girl. I shoved a piece of bread in my mouth.

Sydney: “Her name’s Ashton.”

Me: “Oh no,no I wasn’t looking at her.”

Sydney: “It’s okay, I understand. I won’t tell anyone.”

Me: “Thanks.”

There was no use in arguing with her.

Sydney: “Oh yeah, Look!”

She picked up her laptop and opened the screen Her finger pushed the power button and she clicked on a folder labeled “MUSIC”.

Sydney: “I downloaded all of your songs!”

Me: Thanks. Guess I didn’t need to win the bet after all.”

Sydney: “Yeah, I guess not.”

Me: “Hey, You know we’re right next door to eachother?”

Sydney: “Really? That’s weird.”

Me: “Riiight?”

Sydney laughed.

Me: “What’s so funny?”

Sydney: “Nothing, it’s just you’re cool. How come we’ve never met earlier. We’d probably be best friends by now.”

Me: “Well, I’m kinda famous…”

Sydney: “Right.”

She  looked down at her plate and picked up a piece of bacon.

Me: “No, I didn’t mean it that way. I think you’re cool too. Even though it’s weird that I think I’ve seen you before.”

**Sydney’s Point of View**

Dang. I wish he’d stop trying to figure it out.

**End of Sydney’s Point of View**

She smiled awkwardly.

Sydney: “I’m sure you’re just mistaken.”

There was a knock, and Sydney shot up out of her chair.

                                           **End of Craig’s Point of View**

“saved by the bell” she thought to herself as she approached the door. The girls rustled around in their beds. She opened it and happiness spread throughout her body.

Sydney: “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Jay!”

He stood in front of her smiling as she jumped in the air and clung to him. He held her with one hand while the other held a blue teddy bear; blue was Sydney’s favorite color.

He handed it to her.

Jaden: “It’s for you.”

“Wow, Thanks.” She said as she slid to the ground and took it in her hands. “How’d you get here?” she asked.

Jaden: “I don’t know, maybe that’s a good question to ask your girl Reynna.”

Sydney: “What?….Come in.”

Jaden: “Alright, but I have to tell you something—“

He was cut off.

Ashton: “Jaden?”

Jaden: “Hey Ash, long time no see?”

Ashton: “But you weren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow.”

Jaden: “I know, but I wanted to surprise you guys.”

She hopped up out of the bed and gave him a hug.

Sydney: “You knew about this?”

Ashton: “Yupp, but it was all Rey’s idea.”

Reynna sat up at the sound of her name. Her eyes grew big as she realized who was standing in front of her.

Reynna: “Jaden what are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to be here till tomorrow.”

Jaden: “Well, dang, don’t I feel welcome. I come 1 day early to surprise my best friend and this is what I get?”

Reynna laughed.

“Sorry, it’s just I wasn’t expecting you today that’s all.”

Jaden: “Ever heard of a surprise?”

Reynna: “Yeah, of course.”

She got out of bed and hugged him. All of their heads turned towards craig.

Sydney: “Oh, um this is my friend Craig.”

Everybody: “Hey.”

Craig: “Yo, what’s up man?”

Him and Jaden grabbed hands and touched shoulders.

Sydney: “You know eachother?”

Craig: We toured together.”

Sydney: “Cool. Well, Craig, this is Reynna, Joanne, and Ashton.”

Craig: “Hey.”

Reynna: “ Hey, I know you! You’re from Mindless Behavior.”

Craig: “Yupp. Hey Sydney, How do you and Jaden know eachother?”

Sydney: “Uhh..”

Jaden: “Cause her mom is—“

Sydney: “Okaaaaay! Uh if we’re going to the mall today, we better get going.”

Joanne: “But it’s only 10 am.”

Sydney: Yeah but still.”

She shoved the two boys out of the room.

Sydney: “Love you guys, but you gotta go.”

And she shut the door.

The door opened.

Sydney: Wait, Jaden, What did you have to tell me?”

Jaden: “Uh, I forgot.”

Sydney: “Alright, well tell me later kay, and Craig since I’m bringing some friends, you can bring some too if you want.”

She closed the door.

[Out on the Hall]

Craig: “You like her don’t you?”

Jaden: “No, She’s my best friend.”

Craig: “I can tell you like her. You look at her like you’ve never seen anything more beautiful in your life.”

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