The big black rectangle

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Okay so Im gonna start this from when they made it to Atlanta…


*3Hours later*

We found the exit but oh no we still have the Township A stamp we all didnt care once we made it out we got on a bus and where drove to Atlanta because the driver thought the A ment Atlanta.

But once we made it we got the surprise of our life we seen…………

Chadwick P.O.V:

We all seen Township A guards and since we wernt dressed like others we thought they would chase us as we started to run we look back to find no one chasing us.

Then Anna ran and got in the guards face she then pushed him down to see his helmet come off and him to have no head.

Then Toria ran to him and pressed to fingers to his chest and said it was a plastic fake.We all made a circle around him and admired him to find a tag inside the suit.

The tag said:

Made in China

©Township A-F productions

1967©new editions company

U.S $18.49


Kendra P.O.V

As i looked at the tag I didnt understand it in all 6years I have lived in Township A had I ever seen any of these tags.

Me and my mother would work countless days and hours washing Township A guard uniforms and wed never seen this.

What had been going on in Township A this whole time? Queen Belle III had never noticed this?

But it did occur to me once when i was 3 to see a device fall from the ceiling and break.I couldnt get a look at it before a Township A guard swept it away.

Also what freaked me out about being in Atlanta was the date when we left Township A it was July,7,1843.

But as I look up on this Big black rectangle I see July,7,1999.

I then heard my mother Smoke talking to her self.

Smoke P.O.V

As i looked around i seen the biggest black rectangle go off and everyone soon heard Next on:TownshipA-F allstars who will make it?we loose our favorite characters everyday we started off with 160 characters but were now down to 89.We just had some incoming news 6 Characters just elemenated thereselves :

Chadwick Trwinpiol

Kendrea'Anne Trwinpiol

Marylin Trwinpoil

And are three brand new characters

Eva Lokepier

Victoria Lokepier-Sandaisy

Arianna Lokepier-Sandaisy

Woah guys i dont know if you can feel the heat but with those six characters gone they are now 6 everyday Celebs and now are out of the competion.Find out who will be #1 in the end but woah we got more new's Queen Belle known in real life as Anabelle Trwinpoil just found out her grand child and great gran children have left hers her reaction

(Queen Belle)

Im so said to see my 3family members leave but the game we will have to continue and in recent news my som-in-law was elemenated earlier so stick around to watch what happens…

Smoke P.O.V

I just firgured out whar Township A is really I cant believe its a…………

Okay guys there goes another part of the book.What do you think Township A really is?And are the characters getting killed or elemented?Find out in the next part of Invincible


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