What Township A is......

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Alright so where gonna pick up on when Smoke figures out what Township A is


Smoke P.O.V

I just firgured out whar Township A is really I cant believe its a…………

Smoke P.O.V

Township A is a game I cannot believe this!For all my life my Queen Belle has been telling Kendra,Chad,and I lies.

I was very confused on how this new lifestyle was…it was… just Amazingツツ.

I had never seen so much architecture in one place back in Township A the only colors you'd ever see was black grey and white.

I imganed what the future be like but i thought it be hell on earth.I never in my wildous dream thought that the future be this great i mean imagined this but seeing this myself in real life i am so thankful to have this advantage.

Victoria P.O.V

I know im ten years old and a very brainy child but i never thought a world like this was scientificly possible.

The new inventions i dont know what there called but with high-level education i could figure out what this magnificent place is made of but I forgot to tell you how i became so smart.


I was two years old when Anna Red and I where transferred from Township A to Township F.I remember it like it was yesterday.

I had to get a Township F stamp if you dont understand what a stamp is it's like a tatto they have an ink presser that presses the words Township F on your skin.

Then they give you a dress and a cap if your a women along with a hair tie wash cloth and 2nickels the nickels are for our food benifits.The men get ovarals a cap the men with longer hair get hair ties and 4nickels.They get 4 because they get up to 36hours of hard labor with no rest.

This is so different from Township A its more cleaner and less work to be done other then making clothes and working at the bakery and cleaning beds and there are no whippings here or guards.

Its basically run by commons and governments guess what there are horses for sell for a nickel and also instead of camps everyone has there own hobbles built from bricks thats sweetly and cozy furnished.

The only bad part of this was the stamp it can never be taken off.I love the part that we get payed and can take breaks.

But my first apperance of this was truly scary because that stamp truly hurt.It stays in pain for a week but once we got stamped up we found our hobble it reads  14A.

When we walked in i remember it smelled like fresh cucumbers and thats exactly what it was over our stove was a pot set out along with cucumbers,onions,meat,brocoli and fresh water.

Then we went into the cozy bedrooms to find a fireplace in each room along with beds sewing supplies and covers and pillows.

My mother shed a tear as the person you'd least expect to come to your hobble came in it was……

Okay guys sorry for cliffhangers but thats what i do but thankss whoever reads it this book gone be dope .


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