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I glance back and the rock I threw hurtles toward the girl. She doesn't move, glaring at the rock, as if saying, come at me bro. She turns her head at the last second, and I watch, horrified, as the rock smashes into the side of her head. Her eyes lock on me and then she crumples to the ground. I freeze, torn between high tailing it outta there, or running back to her. Finally, I decide to run back to her. Her hair is a blazing red. I turn her head to the side and wince. Ouch. That looks like it hurts. I glance around, looking for something to staunch the blood gushing out of her head. I sigh. Then I attempt to rip a piece of my shirt off like they do in the movies where the big buff dudes save the girls. But I have noodle arms and I'm scrawny, so I pull with all my might, but I can't rip a piece of my shirt off. Instead, I pull my whole shirt off and press it to the gash in her head. Then I pull out my phone out and dial 911. I glance back down at the girl. Shes actually really pretty.

"C'mon." I mutter. "Don't die." A few anxious minutes later, I hear the sirens in the distance. It pulls up outside her house. Medics rush out a stretcher and pull out plastic gloves and a bunch of confusing medical stuff. They yell random numbers and phrases to each other and lift her carefully onto the stretcher. It's almost like I don't exist. They are about to slam the ambulance doors, and I hop in. One of the medics opens his mouth.

"Sorry, kid, no citizens in the ambulance." He says sternly.

"You're a citizen." I point out. He shakes his head and shuts the door. The ride is so bumpy, I feel like the whole car is going to fly off the road. The girl has IVs stuck in her arms, and her heart beat is getting slower every minute. The medics are sweating as they stick needles in her arms, legs, stomach, and chest. They lay a towel over her head. I reach out to touch the towel, and a medic slaps my hand away. I reach out and touch it again. It's really soft.

"Can I have a towel?" I ask. Everyone ignores me. The medic from earlier comes up to me.

"Ok, so, it's technically illegal to have you on here, we're already breaking the rules. Please don't make us do anything else." He pleads. I nod and watch the girl. Shes barely breathing. I put my head in my hands and sigh. Suddenly, the ambulance skids to a stop and the doors are thrown open. A guy in scrubs, a lunch lady hair net, and a mask is standing there. He glares at me and pushes his glasses up his nose.

"Whats he doing here?" He asks nastily.

"Wishing I wasn't." I answer back just as nastily. He shuts up after that. When the medics set the stretcher down on the asphalt in the parking lot, the man in the scrubs fingers the edge of the towel covering the girl's face. Then he rips it off. He stumbles back, shocked. The medics rush to his side, catching him and asking him whats wrong. I sit in the ambulance, ignoring them. Well, until the girl's stretcher slowly inches away, and then its rolling away. I jump up.

"Hey! She's rolling away! Hello?" I leap down out of the ambulance and sprint after the stretcher. The medics turn and sprint after me and the stretcher. I fumble for the end of the stretcher. I skid to a stop, keeping a grip on the end, right before it would have hit the curb. The medics reach me and rip the stretcher away from me, glaring at me. My jaw drops.

"You're mad at me? You're the ones who let a patient ROLL AWAY. Get another job!" I yell. The medic who I like rushes to my side and grabs my arm, dragging me away.

"Hey, give em' a break. They're new." He murmurs. I roll my eyes, but nod. We walk slowly back to the building, the other group of medics already inside. We enter the building and walk down the hall, and the medic nods to a curvy nurse walking down the hall. She smiles at him, nervously, and her curly brown hair falls out of her cap. She fumbles with her hair, shoving it back into her cap, blushing furiously. The medic laughs, and she scampers into the nearest room. We enter room 314. The girl is hooked up to an oxygen mask and four IVs. I sink slowly into a squishy chair in the corner of the room. The nice medic grabs a weird looking medical instrument and lifts her body, placing it under her back, setting her back gently. He then steps away and goes to a side table, picking up a name tag and a mask. He puts both of them on, then shifts his weight back and forth from foot to foot, grimacing at the monsters, chewing the end of a pen. Then he walks slowly over to me and sits in the other squishy chair. He breathes out heavily. I squint and read his name tag. James.

"Shes not doing well." I say. Its not a question. He shakes his head, but then looks up at me.

"Hey, I never asked. What happened to her? Why was the window broken?" He questions. I take a deep breath.

"Well...you see, I was standing in the yard...taking pictures of the house because my mom wanted me...to. Then, suddenly, she just flew the window, shattering it, and she fell onto a rock, and that's how she hit her head." I lied. He looked at me for a moment, and then he nodded. He stood up, and went out into the hall, talking in hushed voices to the guy in scrubs. His name tag read: Roy. I snorted. One of the medics paused and glanced over at me. Roy and James came back in, Roy came back in, and sat in the squishy chair next to me. He glanced back over to James, who nodded solemnly. He sighed. Then he turned to me.

"Listen, uh..."


"Listen, Sam. I apologize for being a jerk earlier. I just...dont do well with strangers." He looks at me carefully. I nod.

"I get you, man.'' He nods.

"Thanks." He says. I nod. He pulls his mask down, revealing light stubble on his jaw. He yanked his lunch lady hair thing off, revealing short black hair. His blue eyes pierce mine. He stood up. I wrinkle my eyebrows. He looked about my age. Meaning he looked around eighteen or nineteen. "It's my break. Wanna hang out?" He asks. I swallow, weighing my choices.



Undies! You're back. How did you like this chapter. I can't wait for Eve to wake up! I'm in love with Sammy! Oh, my baby! He's so cute. Comment who you think Eve should...um...like. Well, thats all so...



Lots of love and tater tots!

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