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"I see." He says. He turns and speaks with the nurses in hushed tones. He nods. "Well, since for now, is there something we could call you? A name you like?" I closed my eyes. A name popped into my head, clear as day. My mouth moved without me telling it to.

"Eve." I say. He nods.

"Well, Eve, seeing as you're alive, you're probably hungry?" He asks. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and a curly haired boy walks in. He glances over at me, soft brown eyes melting me inside. He eyes me. I swallow, nervous.

"I can take her." He steps over to the side of my bed. His warm hand envelopes mine. He pulls me up gently. He leads me down the hallway. My bare feet are freezing on the tile, and as I realize I'm in only a hospital gown. I blush. He looks back and gives me a once over. I punch him.

"Stop! Its gross." He laughs, then pulls me into a tiny gift shop and buys me a sweatshirt. It's dark green and has black letters that spell: OBSIDIATES. I pull one of my arms into the sweatshirt, clinging to the guys hand. He pushes open double doors. Suddenly, the nurse from earlier, Mercy, burst through the doors, her mascara running down her face. Her sobs echo down the hallway. I pull the way Mercy ran. The guys stares after her, confusion crossing his face. He pulls me into the cafeteria, and up the counter. A young girl stands by the counter. She has a brown stain on the bottom of her skirt. Shes laughing about something. He clears his throat. The girl nods and turns back to him. She glances over to me.

"Hey! You're awake." She says happily. I smile at her. I cant help it, she gives off good vibes. "Oh! I almost forgot. Roy got you a special something." She winks at me. She bends down, biting her lip. "Hmmm..." She stands back up. "Sorry. Someone must have put it somewhere. Can you help me look for it? Its a little brown packet." She says. I nod, and so does the guy next to me. My eyesight was getting less blurry, so I could make out what her tag said. Amanda.

"I love your name!" I blurt out. She smiles at me.

"Thanks! But its long, so you can call me Mandy." I nod. Suddenly, a headache hits me full on. I grimace, and squat down, clutching my head. Amanda leans down next to me. "Hey." Her voice sounds faint. "You here?" I like that she said 'you here' instead of 'you okay' because obviously I was not ok. I squeezed my eyes shut. Suddenly, a warm hand caresses my shoulder. My eyes flutter open. The guy is crouched down in front of me, a concerned frown on his face.

"Hey. Take it easy." His voice reaches my ears. My head throbs and I shut my eyes again. Then, a memory pulls me away...

* ~ * ~ * ~ *

Six year old me crashes through the front door, sobbing. My Aunt Jessie shoots up from the dining table.

"Eve?" She asks.

"Dont call me that!" I shout. "Why did you name me that! I hate it! I hate it!" I scream, tears streaming down my face. Her face falls.

"It was your mother's name." She says softly.

"Well its ugly!" I sob. "Why couldn't you have named me Amanda? I like that name..."

"Your mother's name is NOT ugly, dont you dare use your mother's name in vain!" She shouts. Taken aback, I take a step back. Then I sniffle and wipe my runny nose on my sleeve.

"Sorry." I whimper. She nods stiffly. "Someone teased me." I say softly. My aunt gasps.

"About what?" She whispered. I looked away.

"Theres a kid in my class, his name is Adam. And a girl kept saying Adam and Eve, sittin' in a tree!" I said, trying not to cry.

"Well, what was her name?" She asked tentatively.

"Um, I think, like...Claire?" I said.

* ~ * ~ * ~ *

I opened my eyes. The guy was staring at curiously. Amanda stood up, grasping my hand. She pulled me up. I swayed a little, and the guy put his hand on my back.

"I...remembered." I said. The guy nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, something must have triggered it." He said. Then he grinned. "Still up for finding that packet?" He asked. I nodded, smiling. I liked this guy. He ran off. "I'll yell if I find it!" He called over his shoulder. Amanda laughed, then went off a different way. I ran down and isle filled fruit, my hair whipping out behind me. Suddenly, I slammed into something solid. I fell back, back strong arms caught me and pulled me up. I slowly looked up. An amused expression was plastered on the guys face. We were almost nose to nose. I breathed out slowly, and my breath fanned his face, making him shiver. He quickly stepped back.

"Sorry." I said.

"Its ok, Ruby." He said. Then his eyes widened. "I meant...uh." He coughed.

"Eve." I said softly. He nodded.

"I meant Eve. Sorry." He said awkwardly. I nod, and stepped to go around him. But at the last second, I glanced at his name tag. Roy. Hmm.


I turned and watched her run down the hall, hair billowing out behind her. Hair that looked so much like Ruby's. Scrawny's voice rang out.

"Found it!" He yelled. I walked slowly down the hall, dragging my feet. I pushed the doors open and then jogged down the hallway to my office. I sat at my desk and put my head on my hands. I glanced up and the picture on my desk caught my eye. I picked it up and smiled. It was one of my favorites. The one with me giving Ruby a piggyback ride. She looked so carefree and happy, and it was windy. She looked so beautiful. Of course, that was before they found out her grandmother had cancer.


😱 What do you think of that, my lovely undies? So what do you think? Roy and Mercy? Roy and Eve? Roy and RUBY? If shes still around. I'm mad at Roy, even though I created him like this. Hes so indecisive! Ugh, it makes me mad. Anyway, I really like when Eve bumped into him. Tell me guys, who's your favorite character so far?! Mines eitehr Sammy or Mercy. They're both adorable! They should get together, but it would ruin the story. Sorry! Anyway, thats it for now! Bye!



Lots of love and tater tots!

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