{Chapter 7} { He's mine}

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At the show


As I walked to the show station I felt nervous. Butterflies flew around my stomach. What was I going to say. No idea. But I knew I wasn't going to break on live TV.

On the TV station filming live.

I teased our my curly hair and adjusted my skirt. I stared in the mirror random people telling me stuff I already know. But honestly I looked gorgeous.
See vvvv

As I went on a heared people cheering my name

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As I went on a heared people cheering my name. I turned to smile and wave at them. And then sat down on the chair opposite Ellan.

"Welcome back Mia how have you been?"

"Good I finally got my own place, and I'm filming a new movie tomorrow. What about you.  "

"No one cares about me. So what's the name of the movie?"

"One minute. " I got out my phone and dialled my dad on LIVE TV! "Dad can I tell Ellan from ETV the name of the movie yet. Okay . Mhmm. Yeah whatever. " the crowd laughs

"Sorry sir yes sir I won't speak to you like that again sir " I said whilst putting my hand in a salute like position.

"Yeah,yeah I love you whatever bye " and quickly ended the call

"So he said I can tell you a bit about theories but not the name of it...... I'm kidding!
The other way round it's called 'Inevitable' and the slogan is
'Death is inevitable. Love is inevitable. But is romance? '.
Deep I know." I giggled

"Anyway..... apart from that let's get to the real shit "as she showed the video of me and Leo at the club. "And this" As she showed Clara's comment. I heard a few gasps I just stared at the comment think what I was going to say.

"Hmm what's that about."

"First things first-"

"Your the realest"

"Hahaha lol. No I'm was just about to say that number 1 I was at a club probably drunk and number 2 I don't remember this." Lies....

"And the comment."

"He didn't seems to stop me so he was probably drunk. Also I didn't know he was dating anyone do I'm sorry"

Not sorry I muttered to myself hopefully the microphone on my shirt didn't pick that up.

"Well I am about to bring Clara up on the stage" and just at that The bitch came up and sat next to me. Knowing that I had to apologise for it a turned to face her.

"I'm sorry Clara I didn't mean to do that to your boyfriend - but I just want to warn you he is starring in my dad's new movie as my boyfriend -no offence I didn't want him to - so there is probably going to be more of that but not because I was drunk because it's in the script the man who is my dad made. And as an extra sorry I am giving you a ticket for the premier on the 2nd of October." I said of corse I had to do it.

Everyone cheered I had just got through this and everyone believed me. Phew years of acting did me good.

"OK then it's fine . But remember he is mine "

She spat at me bitterly . Damn girl I gave you something your own boyfriend could of gave you and you treat me like this. Good she doesn't know the truth or she would have my head for desert.

Wait! She is going to be at my premier ! Oh Damn!

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