{Chapter 3} {Tea}

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After school me and Azaria went to my new crib.
"OMG It is HUGE! "
"Meh it's kinda small  but whatever you say " I replied urging her to come in. We walked to my room and talks for an hour before we heard a door knock I was still in my Mia Grant clothes but I didn't care.
"I will go get that's probably my dad. " AZ nodded and I hopped down the stairs opened the door and .

"LEO! How did you find out where I live ? Why are you here? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!"

"I'm your neighbours you invited us. I came across bit earlier to get to know my neighbour and I could ask you the same thing... Wait you LIVE here?!?"

" One minute. Oi AZ you gotta go we have an L.E.P problem !"
I heard her run downstairs whilst saying "What is Leo doing here!" Once she got downstairs I replied "He's my new neighbour..."
"Oh Shit.  Good luck I mean break a leg "
"Better thanks oi you still able to do Kristy"
"I will think about it. "she said as she went outside got in my limo went home.

I let Leo in and started pacing with questions in my mind.

Leo Granger lives next to me?

He has to know now does he ?

What if he tells everyone?

"Stop " I heard him say I immediately stopped.
"How do you live here is your dad here and is he famous. Or are you famous. I haven't heard about you "
" Trust me you have heard about me. " I said I took out my bun and my Blue contacts. I saw his mouth slowly open
"Yes yes I know OMG It's Mia Hanx " I said sarcastically
I looked at him still in shock.
"You know what go and tell the whole flipping school and let my secret out . I don't care "
I slowly trudged upstairs to change.

I curled my hair and put on some make up and put on one of my CG dresses. I planned out for tonight.

I then walked downstairs got the cakes out and put them on the table with a cute cake stand. And started boiling water.
"Lauren get your guest who is in the reception and take him to the living room 2 !" I shouted.


I can't believe it she kept it from everyone for years. Only told Azaria. No wonder why she always stayed with her .But I can see why like look at me I practically have girls running after me.

"Lauren get my guest who is in the reception and take him to the living room 2 !" I heard Mia shout I guessed she was talking about me .

I saw a woman about 27 guessing she was Lauren "Sir you must come with me. She took me to a huge room guessing this was the living room .It was about 2 of my rooms. And my room  was pretty big.

Soon after Mia walked in looking even more hot then normal. "So I guess my family is coming over soon. "  She shrugs " I just hope they are nicer then you at school. Although thanks for accepting Clara was a bitch" Just as I was about to reply the doorbell rang.

Mia walked over to the door and opened it revealing my family she entered the living room with my family close behind. They sat down on the couch next to me.

"Hello dear " started my mum " What's your name ?"
Mia was about to reply but I cut in.
"This is Mia the girl from my school."


"Oh so This is Mia. The girl you were talking about" his mum continued.
I send him a questioning look He just rolls his eyes.
"Mia... " His dad adds
"Mia Hanx" I reply shaking his hand.
"Leo you didn't tell us the girl you li- stood up for was a Hanx" his dad continues.
"I... um" Leo  stuttered
" I don't tell many people at school about being Mia Hanx And I have another name so he didn't know"
"Oh ok" his dad replies confusingly
" Well this is Sandy Our daughter you already know our son this is my husband John and I'm Clarissa" His mom says
"Hello Clarissa. I just wanted to say I am a huge fan of your clothing. Hello John and Hello Sandy"
I said

"Hello Mia" replies Sandy.
I gasped. "Mrs Granger have you ever thought of putting you child in acting? " She shakes her head. "Well my father is filming a new movie this summer. I think she will be perfect to play my little sister. "

"Can I mommy please. " She said. I giggled.
"Of course you can Sandy " She said . Sandy started to give me hugs.  "What about my son. I glared at Leo for a moment then said " I will try. Come to my house on Saturday and we will visit my dad together. " I glares at Leo even more.

After Tea I had gotten to know the Granger better. I also made sure that Leo doesn't tell anyone until I do.

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