{Chapter 1} { Mia Hanx}

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Do It

}Mia's POV {

My name is Mia Hanx.
I am 15 and I am a singer-song writer . And 8 Oscar winning Actress. Yes I have one 8 Oscars in 15 years.
My dad is world known director Tim Hanx and I am on Nearly all of his movies.

You must be thinking Your famous you must have you dream boyfriend, lots of fans and friends, Perfect school life...

But I don't.

Out of all the pupils in our school I can guarantee that I am the most famous. Even the 'popular' girls love me . But no. Instead they bully me . Because in school my name is Mia Grant. Mia Grant. Plus I change my look. I change out of the glitz and glam and change into nerdy clothes .

I don't even have a boyfriend after I got our my relationship with Zach (bruhitszach). He cheated on me with some baby? Baby Ariel I think her web name is? So yeah I'm single and have been for a good year or so. I haven't even been on a date yet.

I am not even popular in school like I said I am a nerd. No one knows where I live ( because I still live with my dad but I am moving into my own flat my own flat for famous people ). The only person who knows about my real identity is my BFF Azaria who is a YouTuber . So that's a bit about me which I am telling you before next week when I move into my own flat . Now let's get on with my day.

As I entered my limo I feel a bit taken aback I knew something was going to happen but I didn't know what.

When I got out my limo at the back of the school when no one comes I saw my best friend Azaria waiting for me like she alway does" Hey Azaria " I told her exiting my limo . She replies with a wave. We walk to class together. Like I said Azaria is a super famous YouTuber but although she is famous she gets bullied by the popular people because she hangs out with me. She doesn't care though.

Now I had some classes but I won't tell you about the because they are super boring. Let's skip to lunch.

Lunch was where my feeling came from. Something bad happened . To me .

Clara a world known model and the schools popular mean girl stood on a table in the center of our cafeteria. The whole school turned to look at her.

"Hello Hollywood Hill High " She began as she pulled her expensive mini skirt down "As you know all of us are famous in a way- but others aren't. Not even there parents are famous. " She glared at me " So I would like to call on Mia Grant. The low life who no one has any idea how she got into this expensive school. Probably related to a teacher " Everyone laughs except for me and Azaria . She continues " So I have a little secret up my sleeve about her..." I glare at her she smirks back " When Mia over here was 8 her mom died. No one knows how though. I bet she died because she didn't want to see her ugly ass daughter anymore ." I nearly snapped but my best friend was there to comfort me.

The the most surprising thing happen. Leo stood up on the table with her. Leo was so popular he was also an actor. He dated Clara for about 5 months. And this is what he said " Clara what about you when your brother died you cried for a week. You were 15. She was 8. You know I always heard you were the school bitch but now I believe it. " He jumped off the table and landed perfectly before walking with his friends towards the exit
Before he went through the door he said " Oh and we are over"

Clara looked pissed as fudge. She then scream " I don't care! I was cheating on you anyway. With bruhitszach duh"

I exited in tears the opposite way that Leo did. I am so thankful so I ask Azaria to say thanks for me.

}Leo's POV {

I honestly felt good after u did I that. Just curious she ain't famous that doesn't she should get bullied. A few mins later I see Azaria walk up to me. Jay and Lance my two bros (actually best friends) start getting tense. Me and Azaria dated for about a month 3 years ago and we have never talked to each over since.

"Oi Leo" She shouted
"Hey" I said walking closer she takes a step back.
"Mia just wanted to say thanks for you know."
"It's totally fine. Tell her not to worry about it... Wait why didn't she tell me herself" I reply.
"Why would you care ? " She snaps and walks off

Damn that girl is mean.

I turn back to my friends who clearly heared my whole conversation.

"Yeah Leo. Why would you care." Lance cooed
Why did I care I thought. Nothing came to mind.
I shrugged back at them.
"Oi did you here Mia Hanx is filming a new movie this summer she posted it on Twitter a few minutes ago" said Jay

I looked at my phone. I saw the tweet. It said - Casting for a new movie next month. It's called...😹😹😹 I ain't telling you!!! Hahaha see ya Meems out! - I chuckle.

"You should audition for it" says Lance. "Nah " I reply . I probably won't get it to be honest so the isn't point trying.

"Come on" he adds
"N-O spells- " I started
"Yes " He cuts .
I glare at him
"OK but if the chance of a lifetime comes up and let's you promise me you have to do it."
I nod. Like that will ever happen.


Author Note

This is actually my first so don't hate on it*

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