The pulse

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I'm here at fort Charleston in Oregon discussing with general Travis Constantine to go over the events of the pulse, in our history the pulse was the largest cyberattack on the United States starting the ride of sleeper agents in the population and in the forts.

"That was the time, it was crazy I tell you, we were getting more and more recruits day by day, we were becoming more and more populated. We thought it was great, oh how we were wrong. We couldn't see the signs, it was obvious but I know that you know this. We were training  then anyway, the new people, we had updated weapons, vehicles, and now the man power, it was pretty fucking great, the the attack. Every tv screen surface was hacked into simultaneously and displayed the same thing. A European man, in a hoodie saying the same thing over and over again, rise, rise, rise. I was on guard duty in the fort I worked in, it was in Michigan, then you heard everything from down the street, gunshots, explosions, cars crashing in to one another, utter chaos. I was young and ran inside only to see my coworkers being held hostage. I only kept a rifle and a small fire arm on me at the time. I heard the shots ring out like firecrackers, loud, bright, scary, it was almost like seeing the world in hell shade glasses. I double tapped two of them then ran,  at that time we had started to mass decommission rifles and they started to fall apart, they were deactivated and feel into scrap pieces, as I killed another one my rifle was decommissioned and I was left to a pistol, I ended the rest of their lives but it was difficult. We tried to get messages out to all the other cities, but we were too late and we're almost taken over. So we just shut the doors and held up in the buildings."

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