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Throughout this period there were many greasy and noble captains, none cross the line of Augustus "CaptainMisfit" Vranes who is testing his group in an accuracy challenge. He ran the misfit urban cleanup project, removing the sleeper agents in Cincinnati and Chicago.

  It was a tough one, people in disarray. We weren't. We were the only place in the country that didn't get anything new, just some run don place in rural Ohio. That's where e set up camp and sent troops to the cities, I remember the siege of Cincinnati, we were crossing the bridges when the sleeps tried to burn the bridges, tear them down. We shot past them and made it to the statue of Cincinnatus, apparently he was a smart roman military leader, those who say that are right. The rage of that year was changeable guns, they could go from C.Q.B, to carbine, to snipers, powerful weapons, resourceful, yes, we were held up on bridges and in a small city square waiting for reinforcements only to have triple the amount of troops shooting
at you, that when it snapped. The regal answer. Fear. Fear is the most powerful weapon. We would single out enemy units and slaughter them, loot their bodies and hang up the corpses by their necks on the bridge. We wore skull masks and face paint to pull in that effect of "oh fuck were gonna die."

   We hung the corpses and eventually back up had an ETA of two hours. We decided to try to make the place safer and clean up the streets, drawing them out, gunning them down, we would dress up corpses as resting soldiers and lie and wait for the sleeps to come, then we ended them. Some guys started getting that creative survival instinct going and made som pretty bad ass tools, homemade mines, shrapnel bombs, bludgeons and my favorite being the shoveling sword. Eventually back up came in and we took black the rest of the cities, we traveled in armored transport with automatic guns at the top. Ezekiel would collapse building, hold up in hospitals, save civs and all while playing the cruelly songs and looking and acting like spawns of the devil.

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