Hanson the first

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Odd one, eh, considering he's a leader of his own country, I'm talking to defense council member Anders Kenny about Johnathan Hanson, the leader of the country Newport and its origins.

Johnathan Hanson was one of the oceans explorers during the home front wars and was the person who discovered the blue after resources started running low. Blue is a chemical ball of limitless energy that is from what we can tell one of the most powerful sources of energy on this earth, sadly, there are also some side effects, mutations, people getting powers or turning into monsters, I remember on testing with the stuff we gave a rat horns, wings and super strength. Johnathan Hanson was a different story though, he gained super powers and created the island of Newport with those powers, his powers that we k ow about are control of earth, flying, energy absorption and release, superhuman strength and light manipulation(he's one tough dude). He presides In the country if Newport, they send out blue to the other countries and spearhead the robotics industry. Hanson also had a son who is presumed dead at this time until further evidence of a body can be found.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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