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Centuries ago, on Earth, was a town ruled by Vikings. It thrived and prospered over many years. However, their land was slowly dying. No food would grow, the water was depleting, and the fishes of the sea remained hidden. As the people were becoming weak from hunger, a strange traveler with golden hair and silver eyes came to them in their dire of need bringing promises of a new home that was filled with bounties of food and water.

Believing he was the god Odin coming to save them, the people could not say no to him. With little strength they had left, they got on their ships and sailed to the new land with 'Odin' guiding them. With them was their Viking ruler with his three eldest daughters and youngest son. As they sailed through the seas a bright light enveloped them. 'Odin' was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a new promise land was before them ruled by monsters in the sky.

The three daughters were the first to step foot on this new land. As they explored together, they met the goddess Joro. As they bowed before the goddess of nature, they promised the goddess they and their descendants will take care of this new land. In return, Joro granted each of the daughters a gift of elemental magic and the power to grant magic on those the sisters believed were worthy of it. However, this gift came with the price of eternal youth and the first to marry would be the only one to bear three children and when children were born the eternal youth would be passed down to the children when they reach adulthood. Added if they granted the gift of magic to anyone, if one of the sisters or the descendants would die than the ones who were given magic would also die as well.

Despite this all, the three sisters accepted the gift from Joro and became the first Elemental Mages with their father being the first king of this land that was beyond their dreams. It is said that is how this world got its name. Dreyma, a world they could never dream of.

Dreyma prospered and grew with the rule of the sisters' father and as he passed their brother took rule and he was a great king with his sisters guiding him. However, as time passed more travelers came to Dreyma. Some looking for sanctuary and others that were lost. The new king granted each traveler safe haven to their land so long as they left behind their old ways and traditions and became Vikings themselves. It wasn't until a few strange travelers dressed in strange clothes with peculiar devices that ticked followed by the astounding inventions was when the last travelers enter Dreyma.

Bitterness grew among the citizens due to the fact they wanted to embrace these new inventions and leave behind the Viking culture. The three sisters along with the king found a solution to appease the people. Dreyma will be split into 8 individual lands each representing the 8 groups of travelers that came to this world and they would be free to practice whatever culture they desired. With those 8 lands came 8 new kings. In order for those kings to rule their lands properly and to know who the true descendants of the kings are they were given powers by the sisters.

The 8 kings were:

Rangvaldr, the sisters brother was given the power of energy and he was consider the elk king.

Asmund, controlled the powers of water and he was called the falcon king.

Kensley, was given the powers of earth and took the name wolf king.

Dag, was given the ability to control wind and named himself the bear king.

Langley, embraced the powers of ice and called himself the owl king.

Cuyler, had the powers of fire and became the fox king.

Audun, was gifted with the powers of light and took the name raven king.

Dreyma Part 1 Enter the Dream (Sample)Where stories live. Discover now