Chapter 2

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August 14, 2002 Late Afternoon in Dreyma

          The dark throne room emanated an ominous vibe from everyone including the servants who worked in the grand castle. Glowing yellow orbs against the walls were the only light in the room, but even then the orbs shinned dimly. A dark yellow carpet stretched all the way to the stairs of where the king's throne stood. The king himself sat there as he stared out into his throne room while being deep in thought. He pulled out a ticking pocket watch from his leather jacket and pressed a button to open it. Inside the pocket watch revealed an old black and white photo of three teens. One had messy brown hair who was sticking his tongue out in the photo. The other was of a young hazel haired girl who gave the sweetest smile as she held a sunflower in her hand. The last teen was of a black haired boy whose face was puffed up like a blow fish. The king looked at the photo with a sad expression and traced his finger over the girl.

          "If only you loved me, then you wouldn't have been cursed," the king whispered. "Instead you had to love him," the king growled as his eyes glowed a bright yellow. The room brightened up and sounds of thunder echoed the walls.

          The king shook his head and the lights and sounds disappeared. He sighed in frustration and pinch the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After he calmed down, a white mist began to appear in front of him and it soon took the form of an old man with a long tangled grey beard. The man was pure white, but he wore an elegant golden robe and wore a silver crown upon his head. His face had such a tired expression, but he glared at his son.

          "Even in death, you still bother me old man," the king said without looking at the ghost.

          "Should I have a reason to not visit my favorite son?" the ghost said in spite.

          "I am your only son," the king said with an evil smile. "What do you want old man?" he said as he looked at the ghost. "Come to haunt me till I go mad?" he said sarcastically as he waved his hand around.

          The ghost looked at the new king and shook his head in sadness. "What happen to you Eldon? You could have been a good king instead you turn into this!"

          Eldon stood up from his throne and walked towards the ghost till he was face to face with it. Eldon's eyes turned yellow again. Despite the ghost being dead, he still trembled in fear.

          "You never knew how to run a country properly."

          "The proper way isn't about power nor your subjects fearing you."

          "Without fear, then no one will listen to me nor will they do as I say."

'         "There are other ways to rule a country, but not like this."

          Eldon shook his head and chuckled as if what his dead father said amused him. He took his seat on his throne, but he continued to stare at the ghost with his yellow eyes.

          "Your time is over father; it is my turn to give Audun the potential it deserves. This country could be so much more and I intend to give it the power it deserves!" he hollered at the ghost.

          "By ruling every land in Dreyma?" the ghost yelled back at his insane son.

          "No father, I am going to rule the whole world and the next one after," Eldon gave a wicked smile.

          "That is impossible! The last king who tried to do what you wanted ended up paying for his life," the ghost warned.

          "That's because like you father, that king was a fool and he didn't have a plan," the mad king said.

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