Chapter 1

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August 9, 2002 in Dreyma

A young teenage boy with two different colored eyes sat under a tree stared up into the sky. He watched the white clouds drift away to wherever the wind carried them. He didn't feel like working nor did he feel like doing anything. Today, he considers it a lazy day. He stretched himself on the soft grass and yawned.

A small field was surrounding him and if he took a few steps from the tree he would be in front of an inn called "The Bell Inn". Nearby was a newly built red and brown barn that contained a few horses owned by the owner of the inn to the people who were occupying the inn. Far off into the field, he could see a newly built town nearby. Up in the sky were giant blimps flying to whatever direction they were destined to go.

"Must have taken years to build one of those things," he said to himself. "Well no use staring at them." He sat up and stared at his hands.

Closing his eyes, he tightens one of his hands into a fist. He counted slowly to ten and opened his eyes. Bringing his fist up close he slowly opened it and a small blue flame appeared. It did not burn his hand nor did the flame go out of control from the exposed air. Without a hint of hesitation, he threw it at a dead branch on the tree. The flame hit it dead on and it was engulfed in the blue flame. It did not burn, but fell apart from the icy touch. The branch shattered into ice crystals and the flame disappeared. Nothing was left of the branch, but only the crystals that melted on the grass.

"At least I got one chore done," he chuckled to himself.

"Peter Lawford! There you are goofing off as always!" the voice of an angry teenage girl came from behind him.

Peter flinched at the familiar voice. He slowly turned around to see a girl with silver hair glaring at him. She wore a white dirty dress skirt and her leather boots were covered in mud manure. Seeing her, covered in filth, Peter knew she took over his chores again. Her whole face was red with anger and she was glaring at him.

"I wasn't goofing off; I was doing my chores!" he protested.

"That was only one chore you did and you did it with your magic," she scolded. "You were supposed to help me feed and take care of the horses, but you never showed!"

"Sorry, let me make it up to you."

"You will, you're going into town today," she said with a smirk on her face.

"I said make it up to you not torture me," Peter grumbled as he collapsed himself back on the grass. He hated going into town because everyone stared at him due to the fact he had different colored eyes. Luckily they didn't know he could do magic as well. Admiral told him never to do magic in public or it will only make everything worse.

"It's either you or me and since you owe me I think it's your turn," she placed her hand on her waist.

Peter sighed, but didn't say anything more. He put his hood up and started walking to town. Normally he would take one of the horses to town, but he felt like walking today. It was such a nice day so he wanted to take a leisure day.

Once a week he or Ellie would go into town to pick up Admiral's weekly supplies of food and hardware for the repairs on the inn. Admiral never had time picking up his orders due to running the inn so he would ask Peter or Ellie to do it. He wanted them to learn how to be independent and stand up for themselves.

"Let me just get this over with," Peter sighed as he was in front of the town entrance. He saw the wooden sign saying 'Welcome to Nash' which to him said go away.

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