Who fell in the pond.

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As everyone got their bikki on.During the wait Teo did a POV with Tiffany.Here it is.

Teo say"Hi Hi!Its Teo!"Tiffany say"And Tiffany!"Teo say"Me and Fany had to say...SJ is here!We were very happy until."Tiffany say after"Siwon is coming...Everyone say its going to be cool for us to date.But I don't want to..."Then Seo came jumping out.And both of the girls screamed.Seo say"Nine of the boys are coming!"And Tiffany yelled"ICE QUEEN SCARE HER!"And the three girls giggled.Teo say"Well Seo is leaving...WE ARE SCARED!"Then Yuri and Yoona came and say"Boo."Then the three girls jumped.And say"We have one more guys.Is a girl from...2ne1!"And then Yuri,Yoona,and Seo leave.And Tiffany and Teo say"Bye!"With a eye-smile.POV DONE!Then 9 members of SUPER JUNIOR CAME!It was Heechul,Leeteuk,Donghae,Sungmin,Kyuhyun,Siwon,Eunhyuk,Ryeowook,and Yesung.They all say their names.Then Siwon said"Is this a porn?With SNSD,2EN1,and FX?"Then Cl(2NE1)Came.

Then the cam role.Mo Ne Se say"Welcome!Back!To!LETS START WAR!!Im your famous host Mo Ne Se.Today we have new people coming.Nine people from SJ and One person from 2NE1!"SJ say all their names then CL say your name.Mo Ne Se say"My Gosh!Our first mission!Is.Water Power!Leaders!Soo fire team leader.Tiffany water team leader come!"Soo and Tiffany walked to Mo Ne Se.And Tiffany asked"Yes?"With a eye-smile.Then Mo Ne Se say"Both of you girls pick your team things!Who gets what the most wins and go with their team to the pond first!Loser wait till the winner gets to it!"Then CL yelled"ON YOUR MARK GET STAT GOOO!!!"Tiffany push Soo out of the way.And jump to the stuff.Soo ran after Tiffany.Jessica yelled"GO TIFFANY GO!!!"Sunny and Amber yelled"GO GO FANY GOO FANY!!"Siwon yelled"GO FANY!"Then Yuri yelled"SOO GOOOO NOWWWW!WONN FOR US!!"When the bell ringed.They got up.With the stuff.Soo and Tiffany got the same number.49.Then Sunny ran to Tiffany and say"Mo Tiffany did the funniest jump I every seen right?"Soo asked"Why did you you jumped?!?!AND WHY DID YOU PUSH ME!"Tiffany say"I got pushed by Jessica...."Jessica say"She needed to win"

At the pond everyone was in their smiming cloths.Yuri ask"What is this water gun for?"And then Amber asked"And that thing on the pond."Mo Ne Se answer"For the water war!Water Team is so so going to win!"Tiffany and Hyo sung"We are going to win!Hey Hey gusse who lose is Soo team!"Hyo say"Sunny and Amber is going to make us lose by cheating.Wait!How to cheat?"Mo Ne Se answer"How to cheat.If you touch a person in a diffent team.You will lose a point."Then Seo asked"Why are they doing here?I mean SJ and CL.Kyo answer"We are joining your group."Cl say"Im the co host!"The girls say"OHHHHHH!"Then CL say"GET YOUR GUNS! GET READY.ON YOUR MARK.GOOOO!"Then Sunny shot Yuri and she fell in the water.Yoona Shot Tiffany but Tiffany shot her back.Hyo shot Siwon in accident.Hyo yelled"YOONA YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!"She shot Yoona and she felled in to the water.Yuri yelled"OMG!!!YOONA YOU LOSE TO HER!!And She is in your team!""Yoona say"Yes!Sorry."Then they hugged.Sunny fell to the pond.Tiffany jump and hit Teo,Soo,Seo.They got down.Then Seo and Teo fall in the water.Soo shot Jessica ,Hyo,Amber.Then Yoona yelled"Tiffany go go!!"Soo and Tiffany shot at the same time and they hited Soo.And Fany!Fany find a rock and hold till Soo get to the pond.And Soo team losed!!Tiffany got up.And Siwon hugged Tiffany.Soo yelled"YOU WON!!!!Good Job Girl!"(In Engish)Then Yuri asked"Where's my top?And Tiffany's?

Tiffany got down and look if Yuri was't lieing!It was off!Yuri asked"Tiffany?You got to look for my!"They looked.And find it in the water.Tiffany and Yuri put them on.


Tiffany breasts felt soft and warm.Sorry Fany!



Oh my.My boobs was touching Siwon.Oh my...God!!





Mo Ne Se said"On the next one is love and dating!"CL say"And Mabey kisses!"Everyone looking at Yuri and Tiffany breasts.And waving good bye.

The war!!Snsd ft Amber from FX!Where stories live. Discover now