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I know as soon as I get to Sierra's house that I'm in trouble. She flings open the door and runs out to grab my arm before I'm even half way up the walkway. Then proceeds to drag me along with her with a evil grin on her face.

"Hi Mrs. Daniels!" I say to Sierra's mom as we pass her in the kitchen where she is washing dishes as Sierra's 2 year old brother Levi is playing with a toy truck. There's a 15 year gap between Sierra and her brother because Sierra's dad took off before she was born. Both her mom and dad were only twenty at the time and her dad just wasn't ready to take care of a child. Then her mom got married again and had Levi. Sierra loves her stepdad just as much as she would her normal dad though.

"Hello dear. How are you?" She inquires smiling at me as we pass her.

"No time for small talk mom!" Sierra exclaims. "I've got a lot of work to do."

Before I can figure out if I should be offended by that comment Sierra has pushed me into a chair in front of a table filled with makeup and hair products. A hair curler and straightener are also on the table.

"I'm scared." I state eying the table warily. Sierra rolls her eyes and spins me away from the mirror on the wall to face her. She looks at me, scrutinizing me. Then she grins and says, "Here we go."

After almost three hours of protests and groans of annoyance Sierra declares that she's done. I glance at the clock, "It's gonna be eight in five minutes. We'll be late."

"Fashionably late, darling." Sierra says in a drolling accent. "Besides, you haven't looked at yourself yet!"

"Well if I only even look half as good as you I must look pretty dang good." I state grinning at her, and it's true, Sierra looks amazing. Her red hair has been straightened so it cascades halfway down her back, so much different than her usual wavy red curls. She applied her make-up perfectly using purple eyeshadow that makes her green eyes pop. Her clothes consist of a pair of skintight black skinny jeans, a sleeveless purple top, and a pair of silver heels that add three inches to her already 5'8 height.

"Trust me, you look absolutely amazing." She gushes.

I slowly stand up and turn to look in the full body length mirror and my mouth drops open in surprise. My blond hair has been curled to perfection and my makeup is applied so it looks completely natural except for the slight brown smokey eye which makes my blue eyes pop. She had also landed me a pair of high waisted shorts, a black crop top that shows some of my stomach (good thing I decided to start working out a few times a week), and a pair of high heeled black ankle boots that make me four inches taller.

"Holy crap." I whisper in shock. Sierra grins and claps her hands jumping up and down.

"You look hot!" She exclaims squealing in delight. I grin back at her now getting just as excited as she is. It's amazing how a different pair of clothes and some makeup can make you feel so much more confident. I was usually more of a t-shirt, jeans, and converse kind of girl.

"Are you ready?" Sierra asks still grinning. I nod my head and we work our way down the stairs slowly in our heels.

"Hey mom, were heading out to the party." We pause in the living room and her mom looks up from her book at us. Now, unlike my mom who would've freaked out at me for what I was wearing, Sierra's mom believed in letting her daughter let loose and run wild during her teenage years, within reason of course. Sierra isn't allowed to do drugs and has to keep her grades above a C but other than that her mom doesn't have to many rules. Which is why I spend most of my time at Sierra's house.

"Alright you girls have fun." She smiles and then goes back to reading her book.

"Let's go." Sierra says grabbing the keys off the counter and heading out the door with me right on her heels.

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