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Tegan's POV

Waking up without my mate made me sad looking around the room and saw a note on he's pillow frowning a little and picked it up.

Went out for a run didnt want to wake you baby please keep whats mine safe i love you

Yours only

Jay xxx

Looking down at the note and smiles my love for my mate only gets bigger and bigger getting up feeling hungry getting changed and walked out of the room walking down the corridor and heard crying looking round and saw it was coming from A's room knocking on the door and heard a whisper.

"Come in" turning the door knob and looked in to see Alice on her bed crying her eyes out walking in the room and up to the bed and she throw herself at me and cried more.

"I'm so sorry T"

"Please forgive me"

"Please don't hate me T"

"Rex's hates me.. I hate me..." she wouldn't stop and frankly it was getting me frustrated because this wasn't needed she saved me more than I saved her I would have lost myself if it wasn't for her.

"Why would you think that?" asking her about why would Rex hate her.

"B..because he asked me why would I save him after everything he did to me but he didn't let me say a word and then he ran out leaving me..." she burst out crying again enough for her to fall asleep in my arms slowly moving her back on the bed, moving to the kitchen and got everything for a fry up and got everything ready in the end I was at the table eating everything that was on my plate until Jay walks in with a grin on he's face and laughed at me he walks over to me and robs some bacon I playfully glared at him.

"Have a nice run?" glaring at him still i heard him laughed and saw him nod.

"So i was wondering what are we going to do with that dick head in our cells" i growled out the words it has been ignoring me since i got up he looked at me and saw i was already losing it a little i didn't like to think about the boy that tried to harm my babies but its for Alice i saw him frown at me so he wrapped he's arms around me and gave me small kisses on my mark making me groan with the sparks that was happening where he was kissing I felt him grinning against my neck.

"Its not our problem baby, don't worry about it" he whispers against my neck whilst feeling he's hands on my stomach and he looked at me in my eyes, all i can tell what he saw because I saw him smirking he picked me up giggling along with him as he took us into our bed room.

Alice's POV

Waking up and looked to the side where I saw my mate I smiled thinking about what happened that was some make up sex blushing just thinking about it.


Waking up not long after I saw by the clock I had a little sleep looking around the room and saw Rex standing by the wall looking down at me looking at he's cheek I saw a tear just by looking at him I whimpered that got he's attention in not time he was next to me touching my cheek with he's big hands.

"I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean it I just got mad..." he kept whispering to me crying my cheek, eyes, forehead, everywhere expect for my lips frowning I looked at him in the eyes and still saw the tear taking my thumb and wiped that tear away from he's cheek leaning up and kissed him at first it was gently then it got ruff but passionate we was showing all over emotion through it all and it showed me how much he loved me.


Getting out of the bed slowly without waking Rex and walked out of our room and starting going to the place I knew was a bad idea but I had to find out a few things first and that means I had to talk to him...

I had to talk to Michael.


Walking up to the cell he was in and wasn't shocked to see him sitting there waiting there like he knew in was going to come.

"Hello darling finally you decide to come" he smirked whilst looking my way I almost gagged I would never see what I saw in him at all.

"Shut up, I want answers and I want them now." I growled out walking over and sat outside of he's cell.

"And what is it that you want to know?" he grunted out I knew he didn't like to be bossed about but I didn't care he won't be able to hurt me and I'm stronger now that I have my mate.

"Why didn't you just move on, I left you could have just moved on with your life?" I questioned him but all he did was smirk at him but never answer my questions.

"How do you know about wolves your just human." I asked another but he just laughed making me angry.

"You really think I'm human haha don't make me laugh you filthy rat, I know more than you think about your kind than you think, I didn't even want to go out with you but my family insisted it." I frowned at he's words.

"Who are your family Michael?" I asked.

"Why should I tell you?" as he smirked at me.

"Because I'm not playing around anymore, I should have just let Tegan kill you give me a reason to not call her down her and let her do it here and now" for I moment I said those words I saw fear but he covered it up quickly.

"Because..." I frowned at him because he looked down and blushed what the hell??

"Because what?" he let out a growl and jumped up at the cell smashing he's hands out and tried to reach for me I jumped back just in time. 

"Because you ruined my life!" he growled out loud enough for me to flinch back.

"Go out with her, make her fall for you my mother told me whilst my father gave me an evil grin" he explains to me I knew that's what this was about.

"Then that was all going good then I had to start falling for you didn't I?" he growled and smashed he's hand against the bars making me flinch back again.

"What happened?" I whispered making him look at me.

"That night I had to get you to mate with me so I can get you at a vulnerable moment and kill you but I didn't know your brother would have been at the party I didn't want to do it but my family was already doubting me so I had to do it I just thought my feelings were an act but they wouldn't turn off even when you left so my father said I had to find you and kill you so then he will take me back" i was shocked that he's family would make him do all that most of all I was shocked that he fell for me.

"Who are your family Michael?" I asked again hoping he will tell me this time..

"Hunters." I gasp and stood up shaking my head that can't be..

"So what you came here to kill me?" I looked at him and tried to so the truth but I couldn't find any.

"I have too..." he whispers back.

"You can't kill me I have a mate now..."

"There's no other way i want to be home with my family.." that's when I saw sadness in he's eyes he wanted to be home he doesn't want to be here...

"I can help you Michael" I looked at him and he looked back with disbelief all over he's face.

"Why would you do that?" he asked

"Because I want to live and long and happy life with my mate and that's only going to happen if your not here"

"How are you going to help me?" that question made me think about Tegan and how she can compelled people all I had to do is get her to do it.

"Just leave that with me I'll be right back" stepping back,  and ran up stairs to run into...

Micheal in jail >>>>




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