Chapter 6

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" Its none of your fucking business "


Jacob and I arrived at the football field only for the coach to not allow us to play. Apparently I had to look after Jake. I think this is really unfair, I mean the kid was fine in his stroller. 

So I ended up sitting out of that entire lesson. After everyone else had finished there wonderful lesson of PE, the bell rang signaling break.

Break was a breeze, not! 

I think at least every single person asked me who the mom of Jacob was, and I bet your thinking 'why not say that it's Tasha's little brother'. 

Well I can't say that, because if I did then they would all realize that he's in school because her parents aren't home and then they would all turn up at her house demanding a party.

So instead of saying that, I just repeated the phrase 'he's not mine' over and over again. Even to the people who were approaching me to have a proper conversation. 

I didn't see Tasha at break either; she was probably purposely avoiding me so that there is no way I could give Jake back. And that annoys me a little. I mean if I gave my brother to someone so they could watch him, I would be checking up on them all the time. It's like she doesn't care what happens to him. 

Slowly, I entered my biology class. I dreaded this lesson. Well, I dreaded any lesson other than PE, I loved sports. Sports practically kept me alive without it I would not be living.

I took my usual space at the back. I wouldn't really say it was my usual space because I am hardly ever in this lesson, to be honest. 

I zoned out the entire lesson and only snapped back to reality when Mrs. Barbra challenged me about what we had been learning that lesson. I shrugged in response. If she hadn't noticed I don't listen unless it’s important and I don't think biology is that important. It's not like I'm ever going to use the skill.

Sighing, she turned back around and started rambling on again. 

***Couple of hours later***

Finally I heard the relieving noise of our school bell. I think everybody hated the noise but loved it at the same time.

I stood up from my chair and pushed Jake straight out the classroom ignoring the weird stares I was getting. 

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I mumbled as I passed the doorframe. I waked straight passed my locker, I hope there is nothing in there that I need, and headed for Tasha's locker. 

I waited less than a minute and I could see Tasha and Kim approaching. "Here is your brother." I stated. 

"Did you have a good time with him?" Tasha grinned. 

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