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| 1 | Human Hamster

Mayne presses her cheek against the cool window. The weather outside was ice cold winter weather. Her face pressed against the window cooled her whole face down. She had just finished an argument with her parents who sit at the front of the car, frustrated and steaming. The car was silent except for the quiet music that filtered from the radio.

Mayne sticks in her earbuds to block out her parents. She knows that won't avoid the problem but it gives her a break from everything. She scrolls through her messages and sees one from her friend, Jazmine.

"Girl, this move better not kill you."

Mayne cracks a smile at the message and then writes her own reply, "I'm already dead, RIP me."

As she waits for a reply she removes her cheek from the window and proceeds to look up at her parents. Their faces were drawn as they spoke in hushed tones. Glaring at them subtly, she turns back to the window and lays her head against it.

"RIP you, my ass! I swear I'll follow you guys all the way to wherever it is you're going and dig up your grave. >:)"

Mayne puts a hand over her mouth to hide her laugh but still ends up letting out a snort. Her parents look back at her, their eyes questioning, "Is everything all right back there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Leave me alone."

Her father's hands tighten on the steering wheel as he responds, "I know you're not happy," He lets out a deep breath. "But that doesn't mean you can speak to us like that."


Mayne closes her eyes and pretends to be worn out. Her parents sigh and turn back to the front. She takes out her phone and responds to Jazmine, "If you did I'd love you forever! I can't believe I had to leave too. I honestly could have just stayed with you guys!! >:("

Her eyes droop as the car lulls her into a sleep like state. A few hours had passed by before she woke up again. The car had stopped in front of a medium sized plain house in a neighborhood full of clones that only differed by subtle changes. Rubbing her temples she checks her phone, "ikr! I totally should have hid you in my closet. You'd be like my own pet hamster except human! Lol :P"

Mayne rolls her eyes at the text message and looks out the window once more. Her parents had come out of the front door of the house and were talking to a man. The man was probably in his mid-thirties and was very broad. Tan skinned and light sandy blond hair. She couldn't see the rest of him from her seat in the car but guessed that his front was just as handsome.

As she reached for the door handle, her parents waved goodbye to him and started strolling towards the car. The man walked to his car, got in, and without a second glance drove away. Biting her lip softly she opened the door and confronted her parents, "Who was that?"

"Oh, now you want to talk to us?" Her father glares at her as she stares back not backing down.

"The home owner. He's graciously sold the house to us and came to make sure we settled okay." Her mother said with a tight lipped smile, "He told us that he left some things for us to use."

"How thoughtful of him..." Mayne shrugged and shuffled her feet awkwardly, looking everywhere but at her parents.

"When is the moving truck going to be here with our stuff?"

Her dad had moved to the back of the car and was already unloading from the trunk, "They'll get here early morning tomorrow."

Sighing slowly she makes her way to where her father is and grabs her duffel. This is going to be a very long and very unpleasant move.

Hello my darlings! <3

This is my first story on my account and I hope it has caught your attention and made you want to read more. I honestly want to know more about this mysterious blond man...

But you'll just have to wait for the next chapter!! I'll try not to keep you waiting my lovelies! ❤

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