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"Where am I?" I told myself as I just see a big dark house in front of me. "What is this house doing in this forest? I mean, who's on earth wants to live in a forest??" I walked to the house and knocked on the door. "Hello? Is anyone there?" The door opened. I walked inside to see if someone is in the house.

This house is a mess.. Maybe this is a left house, but it has the fancy look. I'm sure I want to live here if it isn't located in a forest.

 "Erina, stop! You can't do that to him!" I heard a woman's voice in a room at the corner. I peek to see what happened. I saw a girl holding a knife that has blood on it. My eyes widened. There's two bodies with blood on them on the floor. What did I just saw? "Did that girl killed them?" I talked to myself. I need to get out from here. 

I fell as I want to get out from this hell quickly. When I want to get up, I saw the girl looking at me with a sweet smile. She's still holding the knife. She's wearing a white dress, but there's some blood stained on it. I quickly get up as I think I'll be her next target. I ran as fast as I could. Without realising it, I'm already far away from that house. I'm dead if don't get out from here as soon as possible, I think.


"Ughh.. what the..? I bumped into someone," I told myself. Based on his height, I'm sure this person is a guy. It's a waste that I can't see his face clearly, there's like a thick mist here. Is he gonna kill me? I don't even know him. What must I do?  I don't have the courage to ask, but I need to get out from here!

"Umm.. Excuse me?" that boy turned around and looked at me. He looks shocked as he see me. "Can you help me?" I ask. His face calmed as I start taking. He then smiled at me.

"You're fearless aren't you? Sure. What is it?", he answered. I'm a bit hesitant but I threw that feelings away because I already know there's no one in this forest to help me except this boy.

"I'm lost. I don't know where's this place. Can you help me find the way out of here?", I asked. "Sure, follow me" he winked. What the-- did he just winked at me?? Is he a pervert?  I asked myself. No, maybe it's just my feeling. After a short thought, I've decided to follow that boy.


I hear a sound. It sounded like the bush not far from us. I looked around to see where's that sound come from, and saw that little girl. "Is she following me?", I thought.

She seemed worried about something, but she's not holding a knife this time. "Who's that girl?", I asked that guy. I saw his face changed soon after he looked at the person I'm pointing at. "Don't mind her", he said.

I'm somewhat speechless. How could a person talked about a little girl that way? I mean, I know she's scary too but she's just a little girl. Jerk. He stopped and stared at me. Did he heard what I just say? I sure haven't blurt it out haven't I? With an angry glance, he continued to walk. I grabbed his sleeve as I'm dissatisfied with his answer before.

"Why? It's a kid", I said. "Just do what I say, will you? You don't even know what this place is", he gave me the You better don't challenge me look. I shut my mouth as I don't know what he'll do to me if I don't follow what he said. Understanding that I'm not going against him, he continue walking. He has a really good scent on him. I don't know how to explain but it makes me calms me. What a nice smell, I realised that he was smiling as I said that. Damn, can he really read my mind? This guy is creeping me out. 

As I'm about to start moving my feet, my gut told me to look at the girl. Run or die. I saw that girl's mouth moving. Did she tells me to run?? Why? I'm about to ask about it from that boy, but suddenly I felt a hand pushed me from my back. I lose my balance. I tripped and fell.

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