New Encounter

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Hey guys! that necklace is what I imagine Emerald's necklace looks like. After all, it's pretty!! OMG I'm in love with it! God, damn it!


"Violet! You need to eat something!" my mom's shouting from the dining room. I grab the pillow and put it on my face. I just don't have any appetite right now. What's with that dream last night? I'm confused. I mean, I usually have the same dream. Why did I dream of a different dream last night? It's also a weird one to boot. 

I closed my eyes and ignore my mom's shouting. I'm tired. I don't want to think about it now. Besides, today is my birthday, and no one wishes me a 'Happy Birthday'. I'm pissed. I bet they don't even remember my birthday. Soon after that, I fell asleep.


I thought Violet'll be excited and happy if I tell her about the transfer students. Girls like to talk about guys right? Who would resist to be with such a good-looking guy? I mean, I've seen them at the principle's office.

Well, Violet would. I mean she's already 17 and she never got a boyfriend. It's not like I have one, but at the very least I did have a crush on someone when we were 15. It's an old story. I don't want to bring that up. Anyways, Violet never likes anyone - I mean boys. I don't know if she's pretending or not. But every time I talk about boys, she ends up ignoring me.

Violet told me there's someone from her childhood that's waiting for her. I don't know if she's being silly or something. Who would stay that long loving someone? Maybe she will. She told me the boy was the one who gave her the pretty necklace she's wearing. But she said she doesn't remember his name, well poor guy.

Talking about necklace. I've one too. It's a silver necklace with a red heart pendant, and a rose carves on it. There's also my name carved on the heart. For some reason that necklace looks like it can be open, but I tried and failed. I don't know how to open it. My mother said it's a gift from someone special. Unfortunately, I don't remember who this person is and what he looks like. I just remember his name. Talk about person and gifts. I forgot about Violet! Today's is her birthday!! How can I forgot. Idiot me! Violet must be feeling down right now. Is that why she don't talk much to me today? Damn! I need to apologise to her tomorrow.

Violet's POV

It's still 6 in the morning. I woke up from the same nightmare like yesterday. What's wrong with me? Is this new nightmare gonna haunt me like before? Well, I just need sometimes to  get use with this dream. It's just a dream, but it felt so real. It's only this time, I haven't met that guy again. well, I was hopping not to meet him though. I don't get him. Sometimes, it feels like he has many personalities, which I like and dislike. Anyways, I can't forget the ways he winked at me. He really looks like a pervert. 

(at school)....

Emerald suddenly approached me. She said she's sorry for yesterday. I'm speechless, more to clueless I think? "Sorry? For what?" I asked. 

With a sweet smile, she said "For forgetting your birthday my dear". Oh, there's someone who actually remember my birth date. I thought no one would remember it. Well, I know my place. Why would anyone bother to remember it. Emerald does remember it, so I thought I'm just being childish. "Well, it's not important anyways," I said, lied to her. I'm about to cry last night because I thought no one remembered. I'm more hurt because I thought Emerald also forgot about it. I can tell her face turned gloomy.

"Then why don't you want to talk to me yesterday? I thought it's because I forgot to wish you a 'happy birthday'?" she said and left me. She's sulking, I think? Maybe I'm too hard to her. I didn't mean to ignore her. But this dream can't get out from my head.

"Emerald!" I shouted her name. She didn't turn. Maybe she's really mad this time. Should I tell her about the dream? The last time I told her about my dream, she's afraid to sleep. Maybe that's because we're still a kid and know nothing back then. "Emerald Zurine! Wait for me will you?" I shouted again and ran after her. I saw a guy turned and is looking at us from earlier. Maybe it's just my imagination.

"Excuse me, is your name Zurine?" that guy came towards us and asked. Emerald and I looked at each other. That guy sure has  a good-looking face. His eyes colour are sapphire and it's captivating. He has a cinnamon coloured hair. This makes him look like a cute model. "um.. hello?" he asked again as he knows we're not paying attention. "Oh yeah. What did you asked again?" Emerald asked to break the silence. He sighed, "I'm asking if one of you are Zurine,".

"She's Zurine," I said and pointing my finger at her. She pinched my waist. She gave the I'm gonna kill you glare. "what? I'm just answering his question?" I said to defend myself. 

Emerald sighed, "so, why do you want to know who's Zurine?". That guy smiled. Without warning, he hugged Emerald. I'm speechless, so does Emerald. Her cheek turns red. Oh my god, she's definitely embarrassed right now. Noticing Emerald's body stiffened, that guy release his hands. 

"We'll meet again, my love" that guy said and left us stunned. "Oh, and remember my name is Eric!" he waves his left hand and go. "Do you know that guy?" I asked. Emerald shook her head as a sign she doesn't know. She's still shocked and embarrassed -I think?- about that incident.

"Well, never mind. We'll go to class and relax your mind," Emerald nodded as she's agreeing with me. What's wrong with that guy anyways? Did he lost his mind? Oh god, I hope nothing like that happen to me.


"Violet, I want you to clean this lab before you go home. Don't left any equipment behind. If you do, you'll get in trouble, young lady," Mrs. Kira said ending the class. Good. Now I need to stay in this damn school. Why the hell did that unmarried woman messing with me? Besides my way of talking, I'm a very good girl. Geez. That woman sure has nothing to do to bully her students.

"yes, ma'am" I replied. With the sweetest forced smile, I started to clean the equipment and put them where they belong. As I'm busy doing my task, someone came inside and sat on the table that is opposite of the place I'm standing. "Can you move, mister?" I said to that guy. That guy just sat and glare at me. What is with this guy? Is he deaf or something? "sir, I would appreciate it if you can move," I said with a smile hoping that he'll listen. He still didn't move. My anger increased.

"Are you deaf? I said move!" I yelled at that guy. He still didn't move. What the- I really hate this guy. I pushed him to the side. Before I could move, he grabbed my hand and pushed me on the table. He was on top of me. Shit. 

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