Meet The Perverted guy

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"Are you deaf? I said move!" I yelled at that guy. He still didn't move. What the- I really hate this guy. I pushed him to the side. Before I could move, he grabbed my hand and pushed me on the table. He was on top of me. Shit.

Chapter 3

"You really have the nerve don't you?" he smirked. I got myself in a trouble. I just realized that his eyes are pretty. It's golden yellow. "I'm hungry," he said. What the- what's he gonna do? "let me go," I said almost cried. I tried to escape, but it's useless. This guy is super strong. Wait, I thought I've seen this guy somewhere. Who's he? No, maybe it's just me. I don't know any weird guy in my life. Except for the guy who hugged Emerald.

"This is gonna hurt a little," he smirked and his eyes turned to dark grey. What the hell? How can a human's eyes changed colour? Unless, he's not a human. Wait. What? Of course he's a human right? What the heck was I thinking? This must be Emerald's influence, since she likes supernatural stories a lot. That guy lowered his head, I can feel his breath on my neck. This isn't right. Once again I tried to break free. But before I could do anything, he pushed me to the ground.

"Brave huh? You know it's useless aren't you?" he said looking amused. I know that already. I know can't break free from him since he's way stronger than me. I mean, I'm just an ordinary girl, and he's.. uh.. a big guy? He's not big, he's just taller. And he also has that tough body which is super sexy. Damn it! How can I said someone who wants to harass me sexy?! Come to your sense Violet!

"What are you gonna do to me?" I asked wanting to know what will happen to me. "Aww.. I don't want to do anything. I'm just hungry, won't you accompany me?" he replied. I'm still confused, "Then why are you being weird. Like some sort of a pervert, I think". I can see his unsatisfied face. "You know, sometimes things are better off unsaid," he said uninterested.

We heard the door creaking when he almost make his action. I can't see the person clearly, but I know he's walking towards us. Great. This is my chance. "Help!" I shouted. The perverted guy looked worried and shocked at the same time, and here come my hero. Wait. I think I've met him before. Yes! It's that guy! 

When he saw me trapped under this pervert, he said, "You know you can't do this aren't you?". It's Eric! The guy that hugged Emerald. Eric looked dead serious. A few seconds past, is it me or these guys has the reaction that I can't explain with words. It must be me since I don't get along well with others. So my reading situation and others' faces must be bad.

"Let her go, L. You can't do it," Eric said. So this perverted guy's name is L. I believe that's not his true name. Wait a minute. How does Eric knows his name? Is this L his friend? Or it's just someone he knows somewhere? L isn't Eric friend does he? No, maybe not. Maybe they just met in this school. But if L is his friend, then he must be a pervert too! And I won't let a pervert get close to Emerald. Poor Emerald, getting hugged by a pervert.

"Violet right? You need to go now," Eric said. What the heck?! He came out of nowhere and asked me to leave? I mean it's a good things to do since I'm trapped under L's arm. Wait, did Eric asked me to leave because he can tell I don't want to be in this situation? Woah. He can be a really caring guy, I might fell for him next time. No no, he likes Emerald and Emerald seems to like him too. He must be help me because he cares for others.

"But- "I hesitated when I finally came back to my sense. "No but. Leave, now". I tried to release myself from L. L let me go with unsatisfied eyes on his face. Eric gave me a 'you better go now' glare. I walked towards the door reluctantly.

"I've find mine. You need to find yours," Eric started their conversation. I accidentally heard what they're talking about. I hide behind the door as I want to know what he means by that.

"I know what I must do. Just shut up,"

"You know we must find her as soon as possible right? It has been a whole year, that's why they transferred us here. So that we can find it. But you still didn't do your job right,"

"Yeah whatever. I want to ask you. What's that girl's name just now? You know her right?" L asked. Is he talking about me?

"Uhh.. If I'm not mistaken, she's Violet E. She's a friend of what's mine. Why did you asked? Is it her?"

"It's.. It's just nothing."

"It's okay. I'm sure you'll find her. Unless she already knows and broke her 'string' with you," Eric said making L angry.

I don't get it. What's with this talk? Who the hell is 'her' they're talking about? And why did L asked my name? That pervert! I think they're almost done with their conversation. Before I get caught, I better go now. Because of my clumsiness, I accidentally  hit the door and makes some noises. I bet they've found out. Damn me and my clumsiness. I also cut myself, there's some blood on my forearm. I looked up and saw both of them were already in front of me.

"Just hypnotize her. I'm going," L said uninterested. He left Eric and me baffled. He looks like he's in hurry. What is he talking about hypnotize people just now?

"Geez. I'm not like him that idiot. I can't hypnotize people," he muttered. I looked at him disbelief. L can hypnotize others?! He must learned it to do some perverted stuff. Yeah that suits a pervert so much. He's dangerous, really dangerous. I won't get near him anymore. I need to tell Emerald about this. Suddenly my head hurts so much. I felt like I'm going to faint anytime.

"Violet? Are you okay? You seems pale," I heard a voice talking to me. I know Eric is talking to me. I can't see because my eyes were already close. I heard him call for me before everything turns dark.

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