Chapter 4

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I walked into my house slamming the door behind me. I launched my keys across the room; I didn’t care about my keys. The tears were streaming down my face so bad I couldn’t see anything. I sat down on the floor and curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

*Hours Later*

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I wasn’t on the living room floor anymore,  I was in my room in my bed. ‘How did I get here?’ I wondered to myself. I got out of bed slowly; my whole body was week from everything I’ve been dealing with.

I crept down the stairs slowly, hoping no one was home, but preparing myself for if someone was, I mean how did I get up the stairs, someone would have had to bring me up there. I was about to turn into the living room but I heard whispering from the kitchen. I wasn’t one to ease drop, but lately I have become so worried about everything that I couldn’t help but listen.

“I don’t know what to do Adam.” It was my sister. She was talking to her boyfriend Adam. “Babe, you just need to give her time, she’s gone through a lot.” He said to her.

I was done listening after that. I didn’t care about anything else they said.

‘She told him’, ‘Why would she do that?’ So many thoughts were going through my head.

I stomped into the living room, making sure my steps were loud enough that they heard. I plopped down on the couch and as if on cue they walked into the living room; both with concerned looks on their faces.

“Why?!” I asked her with bitterness in my voice. “You promised me!” I yelled at her.

She looked taken back by the way I had talked to her. She just sat there not answering my question, making me more and more angry. “Are you going to answer me?!” I yelled at her again, waving my hands out at her.

“Bella, calm down.” Adam said to me, trying to calm me down but doing the complete opposite. If looks could kill Adam would be dead. He backed away after that.

“Bella, I had to tell someone I’m sorry…” She tried to explain but I was too mad at her to hear her excuses right now.

“I’m leaving.” I said to her my voice aggressive and serious. She was going to try to stop me but Adam grabbed her arm and told her to let me go. Adam was being smart for once.

I headed to Tobin’s house. Him and his mom were the only two people left I could trust.


I knocked on the door softly and waited.

The door opened slowly and a girl my age I hadn’t seen before opened the door. “Hello.”

“Oh umm Tobin here?” I asked nervously.

“Yeah come in.” She said with a smile on her face. I walked in and shut the door behind me. “What’s your name?” She asked sweetly.

“Bella.” I said giving her a smile. There was something about her that was comforting.

“Tobin! Bella’s here!” She yelled up the stairs. In seconds Tobin came running down the stairs. He ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes. “Are you okay?” He asked me; I could see the concern in his eyes.

“Not really…” I told him honestly. We walked upstairs to his room and talked about everything. I told him about my sister and helped me understand where she was coming from.

“Tobin, who was that girl who answered the door?” I asked him curiously.

He laughed a little. I love his laugh. “That’s my sister Victoria.” He said with a smile on his face.

Now I know why I felt so comfortable around her. She’s gone through the same thing as me. She actually understands.

“Can I talk to her?” I asked him eagerly. I wanted to be able to talk to someone who knows what it’s like. 

“Of course!” He said. He grabbed my hand and I swear I felt sparks. He led me down the hall and stopped in front of door I’m assuming is hers. He opened the door and we walked in. “Hey Victoria.” He said getting her attention away from her laptop.

She looked up and saw us there and a smile appeared on her face. “This is the girl mom told you about.” He said looking at me reassuringly. “She wants to talk to you.

“Oh gosh of course sit down.” She said patting a spot beside her on the bed. I sat down and Tobin tried to follow suit but Victoria wasn’t letting that happen. “Tobin, girl talk.” She said giving him look telling him to leave. He blushed embarrassed and left.

“So how are you dealing?” She asked.

“I’m, I … not good. There’s pictures going around school and now everyone thinks that I wanted that to happen to me and … and I don’t know what to do.” I spilled it all to her, tears streaming down my face.

She pulled me into a hug. “Bella, wow, I’m so sorry!” She pulled out of the hug. “You can do this. You have people who love and understand you. You lived and you are still here for a reason.” She said to me making me feel good for once. She actually made me feel like I could make it through this.

We continued to talk about our lives and our experiences; we bonded.

I hadn’t even realized the time until Tobin’s mom came home and had asked if I wanted to stay the night.

“Mom can I stay the night with my friend Victoria?” I asked over the phone. She had agreed as long as I come right home after school tomorrow. She wanted us to spend some time together since I had been so distant lately.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table for diner. “She said yes.” I told them and they were all pretty happy, I even think I saw Tobin blush a little, but that was probably all in my head.


After dinner Tobin’s mom went to bed; she had work early in the morning and Victoria had homework to do so I went and hung out with Tobin in his room.

“Wanna watch a movie?” He asked as he went over to his pile of movies.

 "Yeah sure. Oh and uh where am I sleeping tonight?” I asked awkwardly.

He laughed at my awkwardness, “You can sleep in here with me, here you can where these.” He said handing me boxers and a big t’-shirt. I went to the bathroom and got dressed. When I got out of the bathroom the movie was on and he was in bed under the covers.

He smiled at me and lifted the covers up for me to get under with him. I got under the covers and snuggled close to Tobin. “You know you look really cute in my clothes.” He whispered into my ear sending shivers down my body.

 I looked up at him and he looked deep into my eyes before brushing his soft lips across mine. It wasn’t a long kiss but a sweet, beautiful kiss. We both pulled away and said nothing. I tucked my head into the crook of his neck and fell into a beautiful sleep.


So here's chapter 4!! Hope you guys liked it! Sorry for the long wait! Anyways please vote and comment what you think! 

-Alexis :)  

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