Chapter 5

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My eyes fluttered open slowly adjusting the light. Memories of last night flooded into my mind and I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of me and Tobin kissing.

“Someone’s happy this morning.” Tobin said in his sweat morning voice. I hadn’t even realized he was awake. I looked up at him and looked deep into his eyes. He slowly leaned down and brushed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair. His tongue slid across my lips and we deepened the kiss.

“Hey Bella…” Victoria said as she entered the room, stopping when she saw us kissing. We pulled apart immediately and I looked down embarrassed, the blood rushing to my cheeks.

“Um Bella do you need clothes for school this morning?” She asked standing in the doorway. I looked up and smiled and nodded. I got out of bed and followed her to her room leaving Tobin alone in bed.

“So… you and Tobin?” She asked me with a smirk on her face when we got to her room. At the mention of his name a smile spread across my face.

“Uhh…” I tried to explain to her, but couldn’t quite get anything out.

“It’s okay, just let me know if he hurts you, okay?” She said with a lsugh. I nodded my head and gave her a smile as I followed her to her closet.

“Hmm, here take this…. And this!” She said with excitement handing me a pair of leggings and loose flowy top. “The bathroom’s right there.” She said showing me to her bathroom.

I put the clothes on and looked at myself in the mirror. I had to admit that the outfit was cute, but I knew everyone would talk about me at school, and I didn’t want to give them anything else to talk about.

As I was about to take the clothes off Victoria barged into the bathroom. “Oh my gosh, you look amazing!” She said with a smile on her face.

“I don’t know…” I tired to to object but she wasn’t having it.

“You look perfect now come on.” She said pulling me down the stairs 

I waited in the living room for Tobin to get downstairs so we could go to school. I wasn’t exactly ready to face everyone, but I had Tobin so hopefully it would be okay.

He walked down the stairs and smiled when he saw me. “You look beautiful.” He said grabbing my hand and leading me outside to the car. I blushed but didn’t say anything.

The drive to school was quiet, but nice. As he parked the car I began to panic. He could tell just by looking at me and he stopped looked at me, pulling my chin to him and giving me a sweat-reassuring kiss. “You can do this, I’m right here.” I nodded my head took a deep breath before getting out of the car. 

He met me on my side of the car and grabbed my hand as we walked into school together. All around us people were whispering and staring. I clenched Tobin’s hand and he gave me a smile. 

He walked me to my class and gave me a kiss in front of everyone. “Don’t let them get to you, okay.” He said to me, his voice sweat. “Okay, I’ll try.” I said. I couldn’t promise him anything, but I could try.

“Ill see you after class.” He said smiling and walking the other way down the hall to his class.

I walked into class, doing my best to ignore everyone and sat down in my seat. Even my “best friend” was talking about me.


Class was about half way over when a paper wad landed on my desk. Slowly and cautiously opened it. “Whore!” was written on the note. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I stood up and walked out of class, ignoring the teacher.

I ran down the hall tears streaming down my face. I was about to turn into the girls restroom when someone bumped into me. I looked up to see Ciara, the most stuck up girl in the school.

“Aww is someone crying?” She asked mocking me and laughing.

“What do you want?” I asked bitterly.

“Oh listen here, you are not going to have a little attitude with me unless you want me to give you a reason to cry. Okay?? Now we have something to talk about, you are going to stop talking to Tobin, got it?” She said in her bitchy tone.

“Whatever.” I said to get her to leave.

“Glad we have an understanding.” She said with a smirk and left.

I went into the bathroom and locked my self into a stall and cried until there were no more tears left.

I heard the bell ring and I stood up and left the stall. I went to the sink splashed some water into my face and walked out of the bathroom, heading to Tobin’s locker. I was just about there when I saw it, the one thing I couldn’t believe. 


Sorry about the short chapter and cliff hanger but I had to! What do you think it is?? I know the story is a little slow right now but trust me it's going to get better! I already have the next few chapters planned out and it's going to get really good!! Please vote and comment what you think. Thanks for reading, love you guys <3

-Alexis :) 

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