Part 74

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It all happened so quickly. I watched the guy walk inside the club towards the centre of the dance floor with four guys following behind him. There were mumbles said in my group but none that I was paying attention to. The look on the guys face down below was eerie. He knew where exactly to look to locate Harry, and I knew there was no chance it was a lucky guess.

The world seemed to move in slow motion as I noticed the guy nod his head in our general direction. For a few moments I thought that he was looking directly at me but when his hand holding the gun raised I was wrong; it was aimed for Harry.

My body seemed to react before brain did as I pulled on Harry's arm to move him out of the way, but he clearly saw the movement as well. Before I had the chance to grip his arm, I was shoved harshly to the floor, with a body landing right on top of me. Less than a second later bullets went off all around us, screams and glass breaking was heard throughout the room.

Bullets were shattering all around us and I have never felt so scared in my life. I didn't have any idea who was on top of me until I smelt his cologne but was scared me was that he didn't appear to be moving. I could hear the faint screaming of some of the guys up here, noticing that some of them were shooting down below.

This didn't bring any comfort though; there were so many innocent people down there that had nothing to do with this. My hand was suddenly grasped in Harry's and I let out a sigh of relief and the tears started to fall. His head was brought up to rest in my neck as gentle yet quick kisses were placed there.

"I need you to listen carefully, Baby." I nodded my head and sniffed, struggling to hear Harry over the commotion. "We are going to get you out of here okay? Two of the guys are going to crawl across the floor with you to the exit and take you out the back door and get you home. I'll follow but I will make sure you are okay first. Can you do that for me?"

I struggled to hear what he was saying, only making out crawl away and he wasn't coming. There were a million things running through my head right now, the possibility that if we split Harry wouldn't make it. But deep down a part of me knew that Harry wouldn't care about his own safety until I was gone, so I had to leave; no matter how much I didn't want to.

Harry was suddenly screaming out for some of the guys and I knew I was leaving with them now. Harry grabbed a gun off his hip, surprising myself for not realising that he had it there. He suddenly stop up and started shotting the lower level, screaming for us to run. I crawled on my knees as quick as I could, not caring that my ass was probably on full display.

After crawling some 10 metres, I was harshly pulled onto my feet. I tripped on a heel, leaving me no choice but to kick them off so I could move faster. Guns were blazing worse than ever as I willed myself to move forward and not give Harry a glance, believing he was going to be ok.

We crashed through the emergency exit and I winced at the obnoxiously loud ringing that it sounded. Commotion was heard in the alley that appeared to be coming from above the steel staircase, but we didn't let that alter our escape. I noticed that both guys had guns in their hands, but unfortunately that brought me no comfort with regards to my safety.

We got to the bottom of the stairs when a shadow appeared from nowhere. The guy in front was grabbed and thrown to the ground whilst the one behind me shot his gun. I moved to the side, hugging the brick wall, in false hope that it would consume me and let me be free from all this mess.

Sadly, that wasn't possible. The guy that was bringing up the rear was shot in the forehead whilst the guy that was thrown to the ground wasn't moving.

The guy that was in the shadows can stalking right for me, gun raised, aiming right for my heart, so I did the only thing I knew how to in this situation; I screamed.


I allowed a quick glance in their location when I heard the fire door alarm had been activated; she was safe. I was a little annoyed at the alarm going off as it signalled that at least someone had gotten out alive. I saw that the fucker was escaping through the back staircase that lead to the roof top. I tried shotting him before he got their but only got his hip, unfortunately not stopping his movement.

I cast a glance over the rest of the guys that he came with and saw all but one that was visible were dead, the one alive appearing the be on the move after the other dick. I decided that he wasn't my mine priority right now so yelled for William to go follow him.

I went to the stair case from up here that lead to the other side of the rooftop, mentally congratulating myself for checking the structure of the club before I bought it all those years ago. I took the stairs too at a time, hoping to get to the top before he did, giving myself an advantage.

I burst through the door when I reached it, hearing the other slam shut before cursing as it signalled someone was already on the roof top. I allowed myself about two seconds of strategical thinking before bursting through the door and charging towards shelter from the backup generator that was up here.

Instantly a bullet ricochet off the side of the metal and I jumped at the shock. I risked a peak around to try and work out where gun location. Instantly I saw a flash of metal directly across from my hiding spot and expected that it was a gun. Not taking any chances I fired my gun twice, having a small victory when I heard a groan, signalling that I had hit my target.

But sadly my enjoyment was short lived when I noticed it wasn't the voice I was hoping for, making me pissed off a whole lot more. A sudden red laser was turned on and I instantly recognised it as one off a rifle. I've never liked the idea of those rifles for this reason; they give your location away.

The red light was slowly twirling towards me and I instantly brought up my own gun, aiming for the hand that was on the trigger. I let the bullet fly, hitting its target. I charged towards the bastard, needing to get there as quick as possible to be able to render him weapon- less.

I tackled him to the ground, losing my own gun in the process. I wasn't worried too much as I knew that I was able to kick his ass in combat; I taught him everything he knows after all. My fist flew to his face, instantly shattering his nose. I welcomed the pain in my hand, getting a high from it that I knew Natalie will be able to deal with when I get back to her.

I turned to see my gun was only a few feet away, I did a rough calculation of his body, seeing that he wouldn't be able to move quicker than me so I dashed towards the gun, welcoming the feeling of having the deadly metal in my hands.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Styles." I had my gun trained on him but that didn't stop him from standing on wobbly feet. "You hear that commotion down there? Your girl is down there." Right on cue a scream cut through the air; belonging to a voice I knew all too well; Natalie.

I completely forgot everything that was going on up here, running to the edge of the building to look down and try and save her. I could only see shadows directly below my feet. Before I had a chance to do anything, a hand gun was at the back of my neck, the safety being knocked off.

And right then, that was when I heard it. Not one gun shot, but two. One directly behind me and the other directly below me.


"Bang, bang, they got shot down, bang, bang, they will never hear another sound, bang, bang, the lovers got shot down..." 

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