Part 78

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I had been pacing the house for more than an hour now. Around 10 minutes after that news article another came on, showcasing an apartment block that had blown up; assuming it was the work Harry had been planning. The article didn't state much, just a large number of people were injured or considered dead; and that didn't help to ease my worry the slightest. I had no idea if Harry was okay or even alive at this stage as I had no way of contacting him.

A part of me knew that Harry was capable of returning home, that he was smarter than getting himself killed in a bombing that he planned. I just couldn't ignore that small part of my conscience that was saying what if.

Another hour or so passed and still there was no sign of anybody. I started thinking up possibilities of ways to contact Harry. I knew he had a phone, having seen it numerous times but I had no recognition of his phone number. I started rummaging through all bits of paper I could find throughout all the rooms in the house to try and locate a phone bill or something similar that had his phone number on it.

When I was rummaging through Harry's desk I found an invoice of sorts, but unfortunately it didn't contain a phone number. The heading of the company on the invoice caught my eye and I instantly recognised what it was; payment record of Harry's security system.

An idea popped into my head clear as day and I went running down the stairs faster than my body would carry me. I tripped a few times but managed to catch myself on the railing before I made contact with the ground. I remember back to the many times Harry warned not only me but everyone else in the building that he would always be notified as to when someone was trying to leave the house or enter.

I ran straight over to the door and grasped the handle. I was expecting to hear a loud ringing blast throughout the house but nothing happened. Not sure if it had worked, I wiggled the knob a few times for good measure. I was almost expecting the door to open but can't say I was surprised when it didn't. Harry had warned me I had a punishment coming and would have taken measures to make sure I was hear when he got back; despite not giving him reasons to believe I had taken off.

I walked into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of orange juice before climbing up on an stool and busying myself with small doodles on the notepad I found. I tried to let my fears of Harry disappear but some of my quick drawings were depicting the emotions I was feeling towards the thought of Harry not returning.

Suddenly there was a lot of noise outside and I jumped and headed straight towards the door without thinking twice. I was a few metres from my destination when the handle started wiggling whilst flash lights shone through the glass panel beside the large double door.

I instantly froze in my place and ducked out of the way of the flash lights. Mumbled voices could be heard through the thick wood but no words could be made out. Panic started to set in as I came to a quick conclusion that this wasn't Harry. I felt my gut drop at the thought of this being the guy Harry went after, having survived whilst Harry didn't and was now coming for me.

I did the first thing I could think of and dove under the couch and went back as far as possible, hoping I couldn't be seen as the door was kicked in. heavy boots in numbers came crunching along Harry's polished floorboards. The voices become much more clearer as they stepped into the entry way.

They spoke in hushed tones, their legs came into view and that was the moment I felt my entire world shatter; the police were at Harry's house, alone, and I was stuck in a position that will eventually be found when they come in here.


A rather obnoxious sound started from my phone breaking the car into silence. Every single person in this car knew what this sound meant. Someone was trying to get into my house; or worse, out. A few seconds later the sound got worse, signalling that the person was trying more vigorously now.

"Home. Now."

"Uh Harry? this way mot be what you want to hear but you left her alone for the first time tonight right?" William was the only one brave enough to speak up for what the rest of the guys wanted to say and I encouraged him for it but I felt venom towards him for pointing out the obvious and suggesting such thing.

"No. she had been alone before." And it was true. She had been alone plenty of times; just most times she was unconscious or locked up.

"You know what I mean Harry. and you did threaten to give her a good old punishment when you got home. Maybe she got scared and-"
"ENOUGH WILLIAM!" I shocked myself with the amount of ferocity in my voice; but I didn't want to think about such possibilities right now. "Get me back to the mansion, now. Jackson tap into the cameras if you can and see what's going on."

"Yes boss."

A few minutes passed and Jackson was breaking the silence. "There might be a problem, Styles. Check this out. She was running around the house like a crazy chick." The screen was brought through the centre of the two seats and into my vision. Indeed, Natalie was pulling all the draws out in the kitchen and running up the stairs.

"Fast tracked to 10 seconds before the first alarm, she was running down the stairs with this in her hand before setting he first alarm off. She looks around and does it again, but this time with more urgency. Somethings up mate. Do you think she is trying to get your attention?"

Confusion was the only thing running through my head right now and I had no idea how to deal with the situation. "Give my eyes on her now." A few seconds after the words left my mouth, Jackson started swapping all the down stairs cameras. The fourth one he came to in the kitchen showed her.

My phone started going off worse than the last two times. A few moments later Natalie show from her seat and went running towards the door. "Who the fuck is at the door?!" the screen instantly flashed to the front porch and it felt like the entire world froze. Natalie was about the open the door to the cops.

"Pigs, Mate. William speed the car up. Pigs at Harry's place." The car rammed forward as William placed his foot on the petal.

"Keep eyes on everything. Split the screen and watch her and them at the same time. William speed this fucking car up!" We were 10 minutes away but that was 9.5 too late. There were opening the door now.


"I found something." They had been walking around for a few minutes and I was trying to determine where they were in the house judging by the location of their voices. From what I could tell they were still on this floor but with regards to where exactly they were I had no clue.

"That looks like our guy Styles doesn't it?"

"Yeah. It just doesn't make sense as to why he would be drawing himself dying."

"Maybe he isn't the one that did the drawing. Didn't you say that girl that went missing from his school was in his art class?"

"He has no motives to her though. We have no choice but to remove him from the suspect list."
"Why?! He is clearly too old to be in school and he selected that specific art class. It has to be more than a coincidence that the same time she disappeared he-"

"How old is that orange juice?" with those 6 simple words my heart stopped. It was clear as day what they were now talking about. My drawings of Harry dying all different ways in the bombings that he orchestrated alongside my tall glass or orange juice.

"Isn't the building in these drawings the same one that just blew up on 67th street?"

"Someone has been here, recently. We have been watching this house for hours now. Nobody has left. Do a search and get me reading of the glass. The rest of you find whoever else is here. I'm putting a warrant out now for the arrest of Harry Styles. He is to be obtained the second he is seen."

The second the words left his mouth the door came smashing open and this time I knew it was Harry and the rest of the guys; and right then and there I knew; I was about to lose Harry... 

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