a battle and a demon

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Kakashi and team 7 stood on the bridge with a small army of bandits in front of them. Kakashi was worried.

"If something happens one of them could get hurt," kakashi thought. Sakura had similar ideas but saskue had different ideas.

"Finally a battle I can awaken my sharingun." Saskue thought.

"Get them!" Yelled a bandit, but as they started charging, team 7 got ready for battle when they heard it. A whistling sound then they saw a large metal ball hit the bandits killing all of them. When the smoke cleared they saw the bandits laying there not a single one left. And a crater at the end of the bridge.

"My bridge!" Yelled tazuna. They turned and saw a large warship with the uzu swirl on the sail, they then saw naruto look over the side.

"Hi guys," he said waving. They all looked at him in disbelief.

"Naruto baka what are you doing!" Yelled sakura. Naruto just smiled.

"Nothing why so you ask," he said.

"Hey naruto were did you get the ship," kakashi asked.

"Found it on the cost of uzu, but I figured I would leave it here to protect the wave," naruto said jumping off the ship and walking across the water to them.

"Hey dobe how is it suppose to help when no one can pilot it," saskue said, just to annoy naruto.

"Thanks for reminding me saskue," naruto said. "Tazuna hold out your hand." Tazuna did and naruto touched his hand and a seal appeared.

"What is this?" He asked.

"It's a seal that allows you to control the ship." Naruto said pulling out a scroll and handing it to him. "This will explain how to do it." He then walked over to kakashi.who noticed a scroll on his back.

"What's with the scroll?" He asked.

"Weapons, nin-gen-ken-kin-tai jutsus, riches, sealing stuff." He said.

"Hey dobe hand it over so I can use it for my clan," saskue said. Naruto just ignored him making him mad.

"Hey baka hand over the scroll to saskue so our children can use them," sakura said. Naruto stilled ignored him.

"Kakashi I'm going to head home, my mission is over," naruto said and started to walk away then stopped. He pulled out a large burlap bag and threw it to tazuna as he walked away.

"Holy crap," tazuna said looking in the bag, kakashi looked over and saw a bag full of gems and verying jewelry, non of which were cheaper than 6000 ryo kakashi whistled.

"Man I wish I was you," he said and tazuna just nodded. And watched the blond walked away.

"That kid is something else," was kakashi's thought. When he looked up he saw his senesi walking away. As naruto got out of range of there sight he felt a burning in his pocket. He reached in and pulled out a scroll and opened it. It was a message from the third.

Naruto if you are done with your mission then I need to know I have another one.

Naruto smiled before righting back.

Can so jiji what needs done?

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