Wave aftermath

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Naruto landed in the hokage's office from the window scaring the people inside. He looked around and saw team 7 inside. He smiled and waved at then. Kakashi I smiled, sakura looked away, and saskue just hned and looked away.

"Naruto-kun I was just about to dismiss team 7 give me your report," sabutori said waving out team 7.

"Everything went as planed, and I acquired the remains of uzu," naruto said interesting the hokage.

"What are your plans with them?" Sabutori said.

"Well jiji I plan to give them to those they choose, since most are sentient." Naruto began. "The jutsu I will keep as well as any ken-gen-tai-fui that I found as well as the riches." Sabutori nodded

"How much money," sabutori asked.

"The vaults were untouched, so I plan to use the money to buy land for the R&D and once I reach chunnin I want to take a seeking apprinteice." Naruto said. Two things ran threw sabutori's mind. The first was naruto already wanted a appreciate and the second was the money he brought back. He knew of the riches that uzu held. "Plus I found six summoning scrolls. I signed one and I plan to give the rest to clans. On one condition." This again shocked the hokage.

"Give? He could sell them for more money then a s-rank mission, he truly has a heart of gold, but what condition?" sabutori thought.

"Which summons and which clans and what condition?" He asked.

"The dire wolf for the inuzukis, the dolphins to the yanamak, spider to the arambure, white rhino to the akimik, and the blind mole to the hyugga. And the condition is you grow a backbone." Naruto said, shocking the on duty anbu sabutori was lost in thought before he spoke.

"I could have him killed for such a disrespectful manner, but maybe he is right?"

"They may not accept then and I know the hyugga will not accept the moles." He said but naruto smiled.

"Trust me the hyugga will accept it. When is the next council meeting?" Naruto asked. Sabutori skilled.

"In about ten minutes let's get going." He said standing up. And went to the door. And waved naruto to follow him. Naruto nodded and followed after. When they reached the council chambers they were the last ones to arrive. Sabutori sat down, while naruto waited out side the room. The council began there meeting with the average meeting. When they were almost done sabutori called in naruto.

"Sabutori why is this demon here?!" Asked a council man.

"Council man if you speak to me or naruto in such a disrespecting manner again I will have you killed." Sabutori said.

"Hokage you can not just have us killed." A council women said. Sabutori twitched his hand and a kunai buried its way into her chest. Everyone froze at this. Sabutori started releasing KI.

"I am the hokage and you will address me as so. This is a military village, it's time we start acting like it." Sabutori said. Those in attendees nodded. "Civilian council leave." They bolted out of the room leaving only the military.

"Hokage-Sama may I ask why the sudden change?" Danzo asked.

"I believe I already have my respond to that. Now the is several things we need to talk about." Sabutori began. "first I found out there has been a drain in the uzumaki and namakze accounts. I will be finding out who did this I will be dreaming all of there possessions and funds to the accounts. Clan or no clan. Next danzo I need a complete count of root activities."

"I don't know what," danzo began. But was hit with KI.

"Danzo I am no idiot, you will have it done by tonight," sabutori said. Danzo nodded.

"This may be good with sabutori growing a back bone," danzo thought.

"Next I am increasing the needs of the shanobi academy. Teams will be formed during the third year, and we'll take d-rank missions. And trust me only those who will become ninja will pass the third year." Sabutori said.

"How?" Asked shikaku. Sabutori asked.

"Anyone with fandish tendencies will be eliminated, anyone not improving in at least one category of tai-gen-nin-ken-fuin jutsu will be eliminated. Lastly any one caught dieting, skipping training sessions that will be integrated. Will be eliminated." Sabutori said.

"Hokage-sama what of students that are unable to improve in a class?" Asked shibi.

"Well in the second year classes will be divide to focus on a student strengths, they will be the classes, chakra control, body control, and mind control. Chakra control will focus on gen,iryo, and fuin. Body control will focus on nin,ken,tai. And mind control will focus on gen, fuin, and strategy. They will also focus on the other skills." Sabutori finished and looked around.

"Hokage-sama when will this new regiment began?" Asked choza.

"Once the shonobi council creates it, and lastly we have five summoning scrolls to be given to five clans." Sabutori said.

"Who would give up five summoning scrolls?" Asked inochi. Sabutori waved for naruto forward.

"I did inochi-sama." Naruto said.

"Who are these clans?" Asked shikaku.

"The dire wolf for the inuzukis, the dolphins to the yanamak, spider to the arambure, white rhino to the akimik, and the blind mole to the hyugga." Naruto said.

"I will not except this," hiashi said. Naruto frowned.

"Shame suppose kumo will get the byakugun." Naruto said. The council froze at this.

"What do you mean boy!" Shouted hiashi.

"Taking like that will get you no where," naruto said. Hiashi calmed down. And repeated his question.

"Well the blind mole has the byakugun and use the gentle fist," naruto said. This shocked the council. "But there is requirements for each."

"What is it?" Hiashi asked in shock.

"The moles require two summoners one from each branch, dire wolf need each of their summoners to have one as a companion. Dolphins need a summoner who can use water jutsu so they can be summoned anywhere. Rhinos need to be feed after battle, and need summoned for more than jus battle. Finally the spiders require a offering after battle, such as the fallen enemy." Naruto said. The council sat for a few minutes thinking. Shikaku was the first to speak.

"Naruto why do you give these to the clans why not keep them for yourself?" He asked.

"Well I already have one plus these were suppose to go to you anyway." Naruto said confusing the council. At this he used a summoning jutsu. And a man sized mole with white eyes and sharp claws.

"Naruto-sama what do you need?" Asked the mole as it held its hands together in a clamp like manner.

"Well Moruhoru I need to explain how I came out your scrolls and why I am giving them to them," naruto said. The mole nodded it stood up tall and walked to the hyuga.

"We have been watching and decided to contact the watcher but after our contact was finished uzu fell they was no one to bring us to you," he said. Than walked to naruto shock his hand and disappeared.

"Oh and shikaku  tell shikamaru I'll be there later to examine the seal," naruto said disappearing in a red sunshine.

"Troublesome," shikaku said as the council dispersed leaving a laughing hokage and his anbu.

"ANBU bring me the academy headmaster we have a new class to introduce." He said heading to his office to prepare.

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