Chapter 1

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Heeyy heyy!

IM BACK!!  🎉🎉

For every new reader i have to tell you that this is a Sequel you have to go read Sweet Serial Killer first ( find it on my profile :) ) and then you can come back and read Hotter Than Hell because it will make sense!


Im so excited to start the sequel i really hope you guys will like it because im trying my best to make it very interesting!!

Here we goo!!


"You look beautiful tonight."
"So pretty..." He moved closer.
"What do you think about this drawing?"
"I love it." He whispered in my ear and i moved away.

I hate him. I officially hate him.

"I've told you before, you are so talented and i love your works so don't worry about it baby."

He grabbed me from the waist pulling me closer.

"Dylan, please." I said through gritten teeth trying to free myself.
"Cmon baby girl. One night and i can give you the fame you want."
"I-i- dont need need your dirty ways to make my works known!"
"Everybody needs me." He started to kiss my neck.
"Get off me." I pushed him away but he was stronger.
"No!" I yelled but he ignored me.
"No! Stop!"
"Shh baby."
"Get off me Dylan! This was a mistake! All of these!"
"You will thank me..."

I tried to control myself but it was too late.

"No, no you will regret this!"




Everything was blury since that.


He was pissing me off!

"Uh..yes what what?!" I spatted angerly.
"What were you thinking?"

Same room.

Every single day since the police sent me here. They were losing the hope that i would admit the what i did.

After what happened i got send to rehab because they noticed i wasn't okay, then as soon as i get better they will sent me to jail.

I was a hopeless case because it was so easy to find who did that to Dylan.
I got scared and i ran away without thinking that i left evidence behind.

But i dont want to end up in jail. I can't. The idea of it terrifies me.


Me and mom starter a new life like she told me and for me was very hard to get used with a normal  and quiet life. It wasnt for me.  I felt lost, i didn't knew what i was doing. I started to work but soon quit it because i started to get angry. This went on for a while until i met Dylan. The typical rich boy. Everyone loved him and praised him. He loved art and when he saw some of my works we immediately became friends. He changed it making me think that my drawings were amazing and i had potential to  become someone. Without understanding it i was slowly getting back to my old habits. Stay up late do drugs go to parties repeat. Deep down i knew he wanted something else. And i was right.

He wanted to have sex with me and i wasn't going to let that happen.
I thought he was my friend but no.

So when he made that move i snapped and boom!

I was in trouble.

The kind of trouble i was trying my best to stay away.

I guess that the past will haunt me forever.

"I was just thinking."
"Would you like to talk abot it?"

She sighed writing something down.

"How was your day?" She switched conversation.
"Awesome! Im locked here 24/7 with police outside the building waiting me to tame me to jail. Also the anger managment shit? Isn't working, fire that dude. Ah, add the fact that i hate this room." I spatted once again at her.
"Calm down. Relax. We are here to help you. I've talked with Mr.Rodriguez and he told me that the anger management its going fine. You are getting better."


"Why are you trying to lie to me Samantha?"

I stayed silent.

"We've been talking a lot. I know you. You've told me so many things. I thought you trusted me?"
"I do." I nodded. Its true, Anna helped me a lot here. We still argue for some things but she did everything possible to help me and she knows me very well. She is a psychologist in the end.
"Its because of jail." She stated finally understanding everything.
"I-i.." Tears filled my eyes. Mom probably hates me. She warned me not to do something like this and here i am.
"At first you really needed help then it was all a game to win time."
"No no no!"
"Thats the truth. I knew it. You are fine now."
"No, i need help." I quickly said my heart beating faster. 
"Sit down Samantha, please stay calm. I've noticed your game a long time ago but i was waiting you to tell me your fears and everything else. You didn't so i have to end it here." She said and the air left my lungs. My hands started to shake and ny brain started to replay that scene in my head. I saw black spots around.
"Sam... Are you feeling okay? Do you need some water?"

I nodded unable to speak.

She ran out of the door and came back a minute later with a glass of water.

"Here." She handed it to me and i gravbed with shaky hands taking a few sips.

After a while i stayed with my eyes closed and pulled myself together.

"Im fine. Thanks."
"Oh Samantha. What will i do with you?"
"Help me maybe?"
"I cant do that."
"Sooner or later everyone will notice your game Sam. I cant risk my job and even worse."


"I can give you a few weeks extra so you can get used with the idea sadly, but more? Im sorry."
"Oh God." I said closing my eyes again. "This was like an escape right?"
"Here its better than jail."
"Im sorry."
"Im sorry too... Thank you for you know all of the help and weeks."
"Its okay Samantha. I understand."
"Can i go now?"
"Yes, yes of course."

I smiled weakly at her and walked out.

"This is fucked up." I said letting out a sigh and running a hand through my hair.

But i know for a favt that i will fi d something.

I won't spent the rest of my life locked up in a small room.


I know its a short chapter but dont worry because next update will be longer!! This was like an intro!

Looks like Sam can't stay away from trouble ;)

Sorry for the grammar mistakes!!

Thank you and i love you all!

Until next update

Stay creepy

Love xx

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