Chapter 3

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Demi Lovato- Confident 🎶🎶


"What?" I looked at her wide eyed.

"I can H.E.L.P you!" She repeated.
"Who the fuck is Oliver?"
"The geek boy here Sam! You bumped into him a few days ago."
"Oh, yeah yeah that dude, what about him?"
"He knows stuff."
"Stuff?" i was so confused.
"Yes! I know people who got out of here thanks to him!"
"Here me out, if we find a way to get you out of he-"

Don't do any stupid thing.

"Im not doing it." I said shaking my head as my moms voice beamed in my head.

"Why?" Maria looked at me like i had two heads.
"Because it won't work and i dont want to make things worse beside this you don't have to worry abput me. Stop faking it people."  I spatted.
"Hey! Calm the fuck down! Not everyone wants to hurt you. I try to do something nice and look how you react, do whatever the you want Samantha." She waved a hand at me and went outside.

Yeah Samantha, do whatever you want. Stay here and whine like a baby until the day that you get sent to jail comes.

The inner voice screamed at me and my heart started to beat fast.

"Wait!" I yelled at Maria hoping she was outside the door.

"Maria!" I called again and she cracked the door open. Raising an eyebrow.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Ha! Knew it! Lets sit down." She walked inside pulling me by the arm and sitting us on her bed."
"Oliver its the best at creating escaping plans. He has helped some boys and girls i know."
"I can't go to him and be like hey get me out of here."
"You can't but you can meet him and be nice?"
"Be nice? He will hwlp me because i was nice?"
"How can i trust him?"
"He knows ways. "
"I agree with you but still he is a stranger and a weird one,  i never talked with him and he always stays in his room."

That's when Maria gave me the - are you kidding me- look.

"You really think he is locked up in his room?"

I looked at her and it clicked. He goes out too.
"Smart boy, i told you."
"When he is out of his room-" i quoted with my hands."Where does he usually stay?"
"So this building has a yard behind and for some stupid reasons there aren't any security cameras so the coast is clear. Oliver stays there."
"Any way that leads you there?"
"Yeah you can take the elevator or basement. The door stays always open. "
"This won't work." I let out a breath my mid changing again.
"Well if you set your mind like that then let me give you my goodbye."
"Shut up!" I said looking at her annoyed.
"Well thats true. You have to try and risk if no you will stay here."
"What if someone sees me?"
"Then you run."
"What if that Oliver guy tells the cops the plan?"
"Agh! Sam i will punch you if you say one more time what if!Just go talk with him! He won't kill you thats for sure!"
"I hate my life."
"I know Sam, but damn! Find a way to love it."
"Why do you always have to say something inspiring in every converation we have?" I asked and after a few minutes we ended up laughing.

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