Chapter 2

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Days in here go by slowly.

Im used to stay for too long in one place and not go out. This is not my problem.

My problem its that everyone watches me like i will do something here. The doctors everything they have me under their wach.

"What the hell are you looking at?" My roommate Maria asked me with a confused look.

Maria is a wild soul. She is a pure rebel. Her life never was sunshine and all happy. That's why she took a wrong road and now she tells me rehab its like her second home.

When i first got here we went into a huge fight because she had the room to herself. But then we got along fine.

"The sky." I answered lazily.
"I know that dummy but you seem lost."
"Maybe because i am?"
"Since you came back from Anna you are like this."
"Just tired Maria."
"Bad news?" She asked rolling on her side facing me.
"No! Why?! You are still on recovery!"
"They say i am fine now." 
"Are you?"
"Samantha you hate that place."
"I know! But there is nothing i can do. I cant stay here forever so i can avoid that place."
"Fuck the police." She said angerly.
"I always get myself involved in situations i dont want to!"
"Relax. We all do and someyimes trouble finds us even when we dont look gor it."
"Yeah... Hate my life."
"Its going to be okay... If no, then we will eat chocolates." She smiled and grabbed a box of chocolates from under her bed.
"No thanks."
"More for me." She shrugged laying down once again.
"Imagine if we were outside this place. Just two random girls who had each others backs."
"That would be cool. I walways wanted to go on trips with a friend."
"Yes! That ouwl be so dope! All those placex."
"The unkown. "
"Love the thrills "

And we ended up laughing. Her jokes make my day sometimes or the random talks i have with this girl.

"I don't want you to leave Sam."
"You hate me." I laughed throwing a pillow at her.
"I used to, but now you have a special place. You are my friend.
"Lately, you've become my friend too. And im sorry if sometimes i dont show it but you know, trust issues."
"Its okay."

I was about to ask her something but someone knocked on our door.
"Samantha? Someone is here to see you."
"Yeah." He said.

I was surpirsed because no one came to visit me here. My mom refused to pick up her phone when i tried to call her. And i was really curious to know who was here for me.

"This is weird." I let out a sigh grabbing my cardigan and wearing it.

"See you later Maria."
"Bye rock star."

Closing the door i immediately ran towards the big yard.

I looked around and finally saw the only person i was waiting all this time to come and see me.

My mom.

I started to walk towards her table and when she noticed me got up.

I stopped a few foot away from her.

It was clear that shw was so angry.
She also looked very tired and stressed. Dark circles under her eyes made her look even more tired.


Not a single word was said until she finally desided to speak.


Was all she asked.

"Mom i can-"
"Don't. I dont want to hear you make up excuses because i warned you serval times before! What the hell Samantha?! Do you know what you've done?"
"You promised me that you will change!"
"Its not how it looks like! He was pushing my buttons!"
"Everyone pushes your buttons!! What happenes if someday i get angry with you? Will you kill me?!" She yelled and i've never felt this bad as i felt right now.
"This is low from you. You know me."
"Im telling you the ugly truth. You dont think." She said anger in her voice.
"Mom calm down okay."
"HOW CAN I BE CALM? My daughter its on a rehab center and then she is going to jail! She did something cruel and i don't know where did you get this side from?!"
"Well i have some names but-"
"Stop right there! It terrifies me to see you talk like it was just a game."
"Its not a game."
"I warned you Samantha! You told em that you left your old self there. That you would be normal and get along with everything life gives you.  You had to forget about what you did back at the Cortez. This is your idea of new life?"
"Can you please stop?" I glared over her."
"This is real world Samantha! And here if you do something like that you are going to pay."
"Mother.. "
"Do you care about me? Why do you always put me in this situations ?! Im tired of this. I feel like i failed being a good mother!" She yelled frustrated.

I shook my head as soon as she finished the last sentence. She was the best mother in the whole world and saying that destroyed me completely, because she's wrong. It wasn't her fault that i was like this, a loser and a fucked up person who made her own mother feel like a piece of shit.

"No please! Don't you ever say that again okay? Its not your fault that im this way."
"Do you miss the time you spent at the Cortez?" She blurred out and a shiver went down my spine.
"I just-"
"No. Don't want to hear about that place ever again."

Or him..

"He... Dylan..." I started to tell her what happened becauae she never gave me e chance to explain.
"He what?"
"I thought he was different."
"What did he do Sam?" She looked at me worried.
"He tried.. to rape me." I managed to say.
"I thought he wanted to help me that finally someone was looking at me normally. I thought i made it.

Until he tried to do that and i got scared, no one has tried to do that with me.... Ever. So i hit him and when i saw he wasn't moving i ran away. Police found me and they saw that i wasn't feeling okay so they sent me at the doctor first. I went thru a lot of shit and they decided that was rehab time. Thats what i was trying to tell you when i called. Where were you?"

She was frozen in place just looking at me not believing what i told her.

"I-i Oh God Samantha!" She quickly stood up and hugged me.
"Im so so sorry! I was trying to give you a lesson while you needed me!"
"Its okay mom im okay."

Liar Liar.

"I can't believe this."
"All his attention was to get me in his bed. All this time. He was a liar!" I said.

"I know i did something bad and i could have stopped him in another way but it was just a moment. I felt like i was back there and no one would find out. I dont know... I just got so scared. "
"Oh Sammy! Im really sorry you needed me and i was so stubborn to pick up the phone!"
"Its not your fault mom. But after all this this place helped me a little. I've been talking with proffesionals and they are helping me.the only thing i have and i call a problem right now its jail. I don't want to go there.
"Don't you dare do any stupid thing." She warned me.
"I won't"

That was my last converstaion with her because they called me inside and she had leave. She hugged me once again and i got isnisde.

When i entered my room i saw that everything was a mess and Maria was looking at some papers and throwing them on the floor after.
"She looked towards me and started to walk quickly towards where i was staying.

"I can help you!"


Heyy heyy!

How are you guys? I hope you are having an amazing time!!
Heres the new part and i really hope you like it!


I just have to write this chapters this way so it can be build up the whole story and where i wana go with it! So please patient.


Andd lets return to HTH

What do you think will happen next? ;)

I maybe will do an early update soooo get readyyy!! Hope that school isnt too mean with me with tons of home works so i can peacfuly write it!

So yeah!

Till the next update

Stay creepy!

Love xx

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