The clock strikes twelve at the town hall. Brendan is sitting on the steps, waiting on Isobel showing up. He sits idly watching people go past. She comes from behind him. He doesn't see her as she covers his eyes with her hands.
"Guess who?" She said.
"It's you, isn't it?"
She then takes a seat beside him.
"I thought you wouldn't show up," he said.
"And whatever made you think that? Well I'm here now and what are we to do today?"
She gets up and stands directly in front of him, blocking his view. "I say we go for a walk, who knows what we might see or who we may meet."
He gets up and walks beside her.They walk along the streets looking into shop windows.
"There are just too many things that I want in this world," she said. "Do you know that? I think maybe I should marry a millionaire."
He smiles at her without saying a word but letting her go on ranting about silly things.
"I wouldn't have to worry about money ever again," she said.
"He'll hide you away in his mansion, you'll be like a delicate flower, the rarest kind, put in the shade until you wither and die," he said.
"That's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me. Don't you think I can get a rich man?"
"I think you could get any man you liked, but I don't think you'd be happy. I don't think money makes people happy."
"Don't be silly everybody likes money, tell me whenever you have money doesn't that make you happier?"
"I'd feel just the same," he replied.
"Now that's a lie! I bet whenever you have none you wish you did and that makes you sad."
"I disagree, but it's all some people think about and that's a shame."
They stop walking and she looks into a shop window. A dummy in the window display is wearing a red dress.
"Wow! Look at that!" She said, excitedly.
He looks at the window display and is not as impressed as she is.
"If I had enough money I'd buy that dress," she declares.
"Come on, take your mind off silly things like that," he said, dismissively.
She shakes her head as she looks at him. "You have a lot to learn about women."
"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat," he said.
"Isn't that like a man, always thinking with his stomach?"
They both walk off towards a café together.They sit at a table in a cafe, next to the window with a view of the street.
He is holding an old coin in his hand showing it to her. "Do you see this? This was given to me by my grandfather, he said it would bring me luck but I don't know about that. It's probably worth a lot of money if you're interested in things like that. I just keep it as more of a memory of him."
"Do you believe in things like that, luck?" She said.
"I don't know, sometimes I believe that things happen for a reason or will eventually."
"Like fate or destiny?"
"I know sometimes it seems silly to believe in such a thing. I know we all have a choice to make and that determines our lives, but I could easily walk out that door and that could alter my life in a different way, so you see so much choice."
She looks at him confused. "You know what you don't half talk some shite!"
"I've been talking so much I almost forgot I was even hungry."
"The more I get to know you the crazier I think you are."
He looks at menu. "I know what I want," he points to the menu. "I have to go to the toilet I'll be back in a minute."
She imitates him. "Okay."
She looks intently at the menu.Raymond walks past the window of the restaurant and stops right beside her as she looks at the menu. She doesn't see him and he doesn't see her but looks in to see what the place is like.
He makes his way into the restaurant.
He walks past her and goes to the counter. He stands at the counter looking up at the menu on the wall. An assistant comes over to help him. Isobel sits at her table idly looking through the menu as a waiter approaches.
Raymond has just given his order and the assistant is now typing it into the till. He fumbles in his pockets looking for change, as he drops it on the counter. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out the purse; he'd just remembered he had it there. He thinks for a brief moment and then puts it back in his jacket again. Paying for his food he sits down, near the window, where Isobel is sitting.
The waiter has just taken Isobel's order and walks away with the menus. She is now looking out of the window as Raymond takes a seat opposite her but with his back to her on the next table.
Brendan returns from the toilet and sits down opposite Isobel. She is still looking out of the window.
"You never did say why you came here. I'm sorry but didn't you say you'd tell me whenever you got to know me better?" He said as he looked at her, smiling. "Well....?"
She smiles back at him. "Some things a girl likes to keep to herself. You should know that a girl's secret is a sacred thing. It's very personal, I don't want to go into any great detail but just one day I decided I had enough of my home life, so I packed all my belongings which wasn't much and got away, far away....."
"......So you came here?" He said interrupting her.
She is caught off guard by him. "Well, yes," she continues. "I wanted to leave but something made me stay, at least for another while."
"And what would that be?" He said as he moves closer to her.
Her face changes dramatically to one of shock.
"You don't have to answer. I'm sorry I asked," he said.
He realises she has spotted something or someone.
Raymond is behind Brendan in the next table and has just gotten up to search his pockets for something. She immediately jumps from her seat, racing towards Raymond. Brendan is shocked, he didn't realise Raymond was sitting behind him. Before Brendan can say a word, Isobel has run towards him, grabbing hold of his jacket rummaging through it looking for her purse that she thinks he stole.
"Where is my purse?" She said as she finds it and looks through it to see if all the money is still there.
Meanwhile Brendan intercepts at just the right time. "What's going on?" He said.
"Brendan, I was just sitting here and....." Raymond said.
Isobel interrupts him. "You stole my purse!"
"No, honestly, I didn't. You explain it to her, I found it, it was lying on the ground where it fell." Raymond said.
Brendan turns to Isobel.
"Now calm down, I know Raymond, he's a good friend to me and I know he would never do a thing like that."
He turns back to Raymond. "What happened, exactly?"
Raymond starts to explain. "You see I was walking alone, yesterday morning, minding my own business.....I'd just left you at your father's shop and......"
Brendan is getting impatient and signals for him to hurry up with his explanation.
"...And I accidentally bumped into this girl. I was a bit shaken and she gave off to me..." Raymond said.
"And rightly so I may add!" She said.
"Yes, well, you went away and before knew it you were gone. I felt kind of ashamed and as I looked down I saw a purse lying on the ground. I knew it was yours but before I could get it to you, I'd lost you," Raymond said.
"Why didn't you go to the police or take it to me, I could have told you what to do," Brendan said.
"You see, I couldn't find you, and I was kind of nervous of going to the police," Raymond replied.
"I understand," Brendan said.
"That is all the money I have, didn't you think I might need it?" Isobel said to Raymond.
He starts to stutter again. "I...I..."
Then Brendan interrupts him. "It's alright. It's just a big misunderstanding. Now let us all relax and have something to eat, now that we've all been introduced."
Brendan lets Isobel sit next to him at the window as Raymond sits opposite them both at the table.
Isobel is looking out the window, visibly annoyed at Raymond. Raymond is uncomfortable. Their food arrives and without a word they all start eating, glancing at one another while they eat.
Isobel turns to Raymond.
"You know what; you don't look much like 'A Raymond' to me," she said in a light hearted way.
This broke the ice as it had been a little tense. They all continue to enjoy their food as they talk away to each other.

Teen FictionTwo friends inseparable like brothers until one day a girl walks into their lives and things aren't quite the same again. They become obsessed with her and fullfill her every wish and desire. The story rushes headlong towards it's climax with devest...