Building a home?

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"Yes, a home."

"What is that?" Lilith asked
They were now out of the hole

"Well," Said Enok."a home is a place that you can stay in and feel safe. Basically my home is where i sleep, eat, work and live. I can come in and out of it as much as i please, it is also of my design. So i created it and made it look how i wanted it to."

"Ok so if i made a home, and you came to it, would it then become ours?"

"No, well not unless i began to live in your home."

"So my home could become our home? Is that what your saying, if we built a home would that... automatically make it our home?" She said

"Yes, if we both lived in it."

"Well can you leave your home and come to our home that we can build together? Please?"

"Yes, ok, but we sleep at mine until ours is built." He said



They got to Enoks house and decided to use the materials that he had used to build their home.
Enok had something that he called a bed.

"It is the place that you sleep, it is a nice comfortable thing to rest or sleep on, every night." He had said. He even had a spare bed for guests, what ever those are... she thought.

"Oh, ok Enok." Said Lilith

She thought about what that beast they had seen earlier was. She decided to name it a wolf. And then she tried to breed it!. (It had come back passively). She got another slightly different wolf and then left them together over night. In the morning there was a smaller, less furry  wolf. Lilith called its features, cute.

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