author's note

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Hi everyone ! If you're reading this it means you probably just finished Forever which......i am so sorry... I know the story takes many turns for the worse and it's final chapter is anything but a happy ending with a lot of loose ends. i hope no one is upset with me !! T_T anyways, for anyone who has questions- if i get enough questions i will do a Q&A and answer everything you might be wondering about. you can ask as many questions as you want !! i melt into a puddle when i read you guy's comments u///u

thank you anyone who has read this book and gone through the emotional trainwreck that is forever. i put my heart and soul and so SoO many tears into it so when i see that people actually read it let alone ENJOY it i just.......sob.....thank u

so much love,
ari (the author !!) ♡♡♡

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