ONE x❤

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"Please be alive! Please. I'm so sorry!" I yelled out to the person. I tried my hardest to flip the body over and once I did, I completely lost my breath.

He was beautiful...

Play >

"OMG, I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Why would you run into a mo-moving vehicle!? Please let me ta-take you to the hos-pi-tal. "

I was so panicky; I couldn't even put my words together correctly. I couldn’t believe that I just hit somebody with my car, this is unbelievable. Waiting for a response i repeated myself, in case the guy was unconscious. He just stared at me for a few seconds, motionless. Then he snapped back at me with much anger in his tone.

"You need to watch where the hell you're driving! I mean what do you think because your 'rich', driving this 'expensive car' , probably busy texting on your 'expensive phone' you can just hit somebody and think that everything is going to be ok?"

"Look, I'm trying to help you out, I didn't hit you purposely! I didn't even see you.  I just want to make sure that you're ok. You don't have to be so difficult."

"No, I'm not ok. I just got hit by a car, why are you so oblivious?!!"

“Look yo, I'm sorry! Please forgive me. I'm well aware of what's going on so please don't try to offend me, you'll simply fail.  I'm just exhausted, I've been busy studying all night for this test and I barely-"

"Look, it's alright. Just help me up please"

He said holding onto his leg in pain.

I said nothing more and helped him up. He stood a little over 6 foot tall, caramel brown complexion, Brown eyes, athletic build, short hair; very attractive man.  I stood at his shoulders. He wrapped his right arm around my small shoulder, as i wrapped my left hand around his waist for balance. He hopped his way to the passenger side, and I helped him in.

"Thanks, but no thanks..AHHH this hurts!"  He said with a smug look on his face.

I understood why he was angry, but why act so rude. I was being helpful, and very apologetic.  Why didn't he give me the same respect that I was trying to give him? He was handsome and all but, his attitude was unattractive.

The whole car ride to the hospital was completely silent, besides him steady asking "Are we there yet", or "I'm dying here!” I turned up some music to ease the mood, on our way there. That did nothing but implemented things worse.

"Can you please turn that music down? I have an excruciating headache"

He whimpered in pain.

"Sorry...I was trying to -"

"Look my bad. It's just I have football playoffs this week, and now I probably won't be able to play if my leg is broken, which I'm sure it is. I may even have to get my leg amputated!"

"Please don't let it be broken"

He whispered to himself, but loud enough for me to hear.

“I understand but try to stop thinking negative. I’m just trying to help you and hopefully everything will go well and it's small and simple, where we both can get out of here. I don't think it's broken"

I lied, trying to get him to think positive, but it didn't help.

He had a sarcastic smirk on his face

“I highly doubt that everything is going to be simple and small. Thanks though" He chuckled. His chuckle sounded angelic, he was so perfect, in a weird way.

"Oh shit! My Exam today, DAMN DAMN DAMN! Mr.Coziac is going to kill me!"

It dawned on me while driving to the emergency driveway of Howard University Hospital. I helped him into the hospital, and walked into the emergency sliding doors.

"Hey, do you want to sit down in a wheelchair; you're cutting off the blood circulation in my arm”

He chuckled.


I rolled him through the metal detectors and around to the help desk. A black, older heavy set woman sat behind the tall desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?"

"Hi, my friend here was hit by a car, and we wanted to make sure that he's ok"

"Name please?”

The older woman said, speaking directly to him.

"My name is Rashaad Pryor"

He spoke loudly to the woman them handed her his State I.D.

"Ok Mr. Pryor, would you also like to press charges on the person who hit you?"

Rashaad looked at me then smirked.

"No Ma'am.”

"Ok, go over there in the waiting area, fill out this paperwork and somebody will call you in a few. "

"Thank you"

We said in unison.

I rolled him over to the waiting area and he stopped then grabbed my arm.

"Hey, so if I was to press charges, I wouldn't even know what name to put down"

"I'm not telling you my name then!"

"I'm playing beautiful, what's your name?"

I blushed.

"I'm only telling you if you promise not to press charges on me”

"I promise"

Rashaad said holding his pinky out for me to intertwine mine with his, with a smile on his face.

I pinky promised him.

"It's Paris Carter."

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