Part 4

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I'm scared. I want to get out of this hole but I can't. I feel like a caterpillar permanently trapped inside its cocoon. Waiting to burst and fly but slowly rotting inside. Not a caterpillar anymore but not a butterfly yet. A monstrosity.


"Um, hi, Alice? This is Coraline, your mother. I just want to talk to you and see you so would you, uh, like to go for a brunch maybe this Sunday? Only if you're free, of course. So, um, yes, call me when you get this. Thanks."


"Hello, mother, I got your message. Let's meet at 'Tiger Boots' at ten o'clock since I have to start work at twelve anyway, alright? See you then."


"Hello, Alice, this is me again. I'm so sorry for my outburst at brunch, I really didn't mean it. You were just so angry and I got a bit defensive... I am really sorry. And I'm still recovering so it's just been hard, you know? Anyways, um, do you want to try again maybe this Thursday at seven o'clock for dinner? Only if you're not busy."


"Hello, mother, I am sorry for snapping at you like that. I guess I've been keeping in a lot of issues and my anger just kind of took over. I'm not busy, let's do that."


"Alice? Alice, I'm so sorry! I thought if maybe I just had that one sip of wine, I'd be fine but I guess I don't have full control of myself, yet. That will never happen again. I'm sorry. Is there any chance we can meet up again?"


"Alice? Alice, are you getting all my messages? I've left about seven already in the past three days. I am really sorry, Alice. Please call me so we can work this out, please? Your twentieth birthday is coming up soon, isn't it? I really want us to have a nice, family dinner together and celebrate."

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