Chapter 3

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A/N: The outfit is Jaddas maid outfit

"Bassy can you go easy on those two, Will gives them enough work as it is, let alone having to take care of the little brat." Grell asked attached to Sebastian's arm as he sat on his lap.

"I'll see what I ca n do. Now get off of me, your not my type." Sebastian said pushing Grell off of his lap and onto the floor.

"Oooo, Bassy has a type! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Grell squealed.

"Long, (h/c) hair, short, and female.' Sebastian said in a serious voice.

"Well Ciel, we should make a deal, since I now know you have two reapers on your side, I should get one while you have to other. Just so its fair." Alois said smirking at the young, eye patch wearing Earl.

"Fine. Sebastian, get the girls and bring them here, they will pick who stays and who goes." Ciel said.

~Time skippy doo daa~

Jadda and (y/n) were led back into the Earl's office. The two girls kept pulling their dresses down so that their asses weren't hanging out, but at the same time trying to make sure their breasts stayed covered as well, eventually they just gave up.

"Ladies, you can decide who will leave to work at the Trancy Manor." Ciel said to the two reapers.

"I will if it gets me away from my brother's dream boyfriend." Jadda said with a straight face, Claude licked his lips.

"Perv." Jadda mumbled, Claude just smirked.

~Another time skip sorry~

Jadda sat in the carriage with her new young master, he kept asking her questions on what it was like to be one of the only female reapers ever. She only ever gave him one worded answers.

(Y/n) silently cursed her friend for leaving her alone with the crazy butler that Grell loves, and the little brat she was working for, but on the bright side she would see Grell a lot, that brightened her day up, while she stayed at the creepy manor. At least the workers are nice to her.

"(Y/n) come with me for a minute." Sebastian said with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Um, okay then." (Y/n) said cautiously, but being the naïve girl she is, she went with him. She saw Sebastian walk into a room and followed him in, when she got into the room she was thrown onto the bed, and pinned down by Sebastian.

"Your mine now." He purred. (Y/n) just whimpered, scared for her innocence.

"H-help m-" Sebastian cut her off by smashing his lips onto hers.

"Mph." (Y/n) mumbled. She mustered up enough strength to push him off enough for her to scramble off of the bed and out of the room crying. She ran right into Ciel who was talking to Grell.

"(Y/n) darling, what happened?" Grell asked, concerned for his best friend. (Y/n) ran into his arms.

"Take me home Grell, please I don't want to stay here with that demon." (Y/n) cried.

"Why? What did Sebastian do?" Ciel asked.

"He t-tried to r-rape me." (Y/n) stuttered and froze in fear when Sebastian came up behind Ciel.

"I can assure you my Lord, that never happened." Sebastian said with a serious face.

"(Y/n) would never lie about something like that!" Grell stated.

"And Sebastian can't lie to me." Ciel fired back.

"Just take me back home Grell please, and tell Jadda too." (Y/n) sniffled.

"Of course sweetheart, lets go." Grell said wrapping his jacket over her shoulders and walked out of the manor.

~At the Trancy manor~

"Here, this is your room." Alois said unlocking a door leading to a beautifully decorated bedroom.

"Wow it's beautiful, thank you." Jadda smiled.

"Work starts early tomorrow, so get some rest now. Your uniform is in the closet." Claude explained, Jadda nodded her head.

"Goodnight Miss. Sutcliff." Alois fare welled.

"Night master." Jadda said before the door closed.

"I kinda miss (Y/n) now, wonder how she's doing." Jadda thought to herself before getting into bed and falling asleep.

~Back with Grell and (Y/n)~

(Y/n) just got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around her nude body.

"Grell can you hand me my pj's that are on my bed?" (Y/n) asked from the bathroom.

"Sure, here you go." Grell said handing (Y/n) her clothes through the crack in the door. (Y/n) got dressed and came out of the bathroom with a brush in her hand. She sat down on the ground in front of her bed.

"Can you brush and braid my hair for me please Grell?" (Y/n) asked.

"Of course." Grell said sitting down on the bed and grabbing the hair brush.

"Thank you." (Y/n) mumbled as Grell began brushing out her long knee length (h/c) hair, then braided it so she could go to bed. When he was done, (Y/n) crawled under the blankets. Grell was about to leave when (Y/n) reached out with her tiny hands and grabbed the sleeve of his red jacket.

"(N/n)?" Grell questioned using the nickname he gave her.

"Don't leave me please, you're all I have left who actually cares about me." (Y/n) tiredly mumbled. Grell nodded and took off his jacket, suspenders, tie, and shoes. (Y/n) pulled back the covers so Grell had enough room to climb in the bed. Grell climbed in and pulled (Y/n) close to him so she could rest her head on his chest.

Even though Grell liked men, he thought (Y/n) looked so cute curled up against him sleeping. Grell then slowly started to fall asleep, he kissed the top of her head then fell asleep as well.

Grell x Reader x SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now