|Chp 25|

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"You always taking pics Damm Niyah" Myles said nudging me .

"So what " I said laughing .

I guess you can say me and Myles got closer over the past month . Yes we did the dirty but only once . No we don't date , it's like we just have that type of connection on a friendly level .

"Big head ass"

"Red nose head ass" I said flicking his nose .

"You den went to far " he said pointing at me .

"Whatever I quit" I said laughing .

We were eating and playing around until I had to go with liyah to find out the gender since she says she doesn't feel like waiting anymore .

"Bye Mylesss"I said hugging him .

"Bye mamacita " he said kissing my head .


"Liyahhh ! You ready!?" I screamed through the house.

"Yeah! I'm driving tho Bitchh  !"

"Ight" .

Liyah came down the stairs with her keys .

We walked towards her car until she stopped me .

"Take my pic sis "

I grabbed her phone and she went to sit on her car as I took the pic .

"Come on let's go Befo we be late Messin with yo pregnant ass" I said laughing getting in the passenger seat

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"Come on let's go Befo we be late Messin with yo pregnant ass" I said laughing getting in the passenger seat .

"Girl be quiet" she said laughing .

"Please lay back for me Ms.winters"

Liyah laid back as the nurse put some type of cool looking jelly on her stomach .

She rubbed it around as we looked at the screen. We heard a heart beat fill the room . Liyah eyes started to get watery. I grabbed ahold of her hand and kissed it .

"It's a boy , Ms.Winters" the nurse said .

"I told Cho' ass my nephew was in that stomach" I said kissing Liyah stomach .

"Shut up bitch" she said laughing .

The nurse cleaned off liyah's stomach and went to go get her some medicine and pictures of my Wittle man .

"How did it feel?" I asked Liyah .

"Weird , the gooey shit they put on my stomach was cold as fuck ". She said scrunching up her face .

"I wanna try it " I said jumping up and down .

"Girl it's only for pregnant people" she said laughing .

"I don't care"

The nurse came back into the room .

"Here you go ms.winters , take these once a week and here's your baby pictures " the nurse said smiling giving  Liyah her medicine and pics .

"Um.. Nurse banks do you mind putting that gooey stuff on me . It may sound weird but I just wanna try it"

"I'm sorry but I can't-"

"Pleaseeee , just real quick"

She looked at the door and said , "Hurry up ma'am I'm not suppose to be doing this ".

I hopped in the seat fast as fuck excited .

I lifted up my shirt as she put the gooey shit on my stomach .

"Bitchhh this cold ...look Liyah feel it" I said touching the gooey stuff . All of a sudden we heard a heart beat throughout the room .

"Um.. What the fuck was that " I said looking at the nurse and liyah with a confused face .

"It seems as thou it's coming from you miss" the nurse said rubbing the monitor thing around on my stomach.

"I'm not pregnant . What the fuck you Talm bout " I said frowning .

"It seems as thou your a month and 2 weeks along miss" the nurse said smiling at the screen as my heart dropped .

"Niy your pregnant " liyah said happily .

But I couldn't get my head around this . I'm pregnant . Me pregnant . Aniyah Jayda winters ...pregnant. Me pregnant by....SHIT !

"Aliyah !" I damn near screamed .

"What ?" She said looking at me .

"This could be either Zay's or Myles baby" .

"Myles ?"

"Yes bitch" I said .


Im sitting in my room holding my baby's picture in my hand .

I didn't know what to do , like all this just smacked me in the face .

I walked into my moms room and sat on the bed .
She looked at me confused and I placed the pic on her lap . She looked at it connecting the dots .

She looked up at me smiling  and pulling me into a hug .

"I thought you were going to be mad at me " I said wiping my tears .

"Your my daughter . Your living your life and I can't stop you from that ". She said wiping my face .

I laid my head down on her lap .

"I don't know whose it is ma . It can be Myles or Zay's baby . I don't know what to do "

"Just aware both of them of the situation . They deserve to know . Then let everything play out . Everything happens for a reason ." She said massaging my scalp .

"I love you ma "

"I love you to Niy "


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