Part 1

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A/N: Hi everyone! This is part one of my entry for the October Dark Fairy Tale Contest being held by _Once_Upon The goal is to write a 3000 word or less dark fairy tale that is either told from the villain's POV or have the MC be a mythical creature. I chose mythical creature. Yes, my Cinderella is a shape-shifter, cursed to live out her existence as a beast. There will be three parts total. I hope you enjoy!


They pass my cage, taunting me with long sticks that slip through the bars. I bare my teeth and they scream. The night is filled with cries of horror as they scuttle backward in the grass. From a safe distance, the fear melts away and laughter blooms on their faces, caught in the soft glow of hanging lanterns.

They come in droves.

They come to see the beast.

I don't let them down.

Settling into the shadows of my cage, I wait for the crowds to disperse. Another hour and they'll be tucked snug in their beds, and I'll be set free. It's a full moon after all.

My claws click against the solid wood floor. Hay rustles beneath my massive bulk. I'm starving, but tonight, I'll dine with a fork and a spoon. I'll sip wine from a glass. For a few hours, I'll be human.

"You can come out now." A young boy dressed in slacks too short for his lanky frame unlocks the cage. He peers into the darkness and tosses me a worn gown.

"Thanks, Oliver." My voice is scratchy and rough. The words roll clumsily off my tongue. The change happens so quick these days, and I've become used to the pain. I welcome it. The pain is a small price to pay for a night of normalcy.

I tug the dress over my head and crawl toward the opening. My legs wobble, and I brace myself before jumping into the grass. Oliver steadies me with a firm hand.

"What smells so good?" I ask, nearly salivating from the heavenly scent.

"There's a feast!" Oliver pulls me toward the tent. "The palace sent us food for entertaining the kingdom before the ball tomorrow night." He licks his lips and runs faster. "There's baked bread, soups, and platters of meat. I've never seen such a meal!"

We enter the tent and stop in our tracks. The space is filled with carnival workers filling their plates and pouring wine into their glasses. They greet me as I pass, raising their cups in salute.

"Welcome back, Cinder."

"Is it a full moon already?"

"You have to try the chicken."

I wave, fill a plate, and search the crowd for Morana. She's seated in the corner, shuffling a deck of cards. Long black hair flows down her back. It seems to dance in the flickering light. Colorful beaded bracelets clink together on her wrists as she turns the cards over one by one.

I approach as the last card is revealed. She looks up and pins me with her green eyes. "It's in the cards." She taps one with a slender finger. "You'll need a dress and a pair of slippers."

"What for?" I laugh and take a hearty bite of chicken. The juices run down my chin.

"The Prince's Ball, Cinder. Every woman in the kingdom is invited. Even you."

"Don't be crazy. The full moon is tonight and the ball isn't until tomorrow. The curse can't be broken. Will I go as a beast? Maybe they can wheel in my cage?"

Morana rolls her eyes and reaches deep into the pocket of her gossamer gown. She pulls out a glowing stone, threaded with a silver chain. "It's a moonstone," she says, dropping it in my hand. "When you wear it, as long as it glows, you will not change form."

"Where did you get this?"

"It was a gift from your mother. She knew one day you'd need it."

I clasp the necklace around my neck in wonder. Morana rises from the table and gathers her cards. "Tomorrow, you'll go to the ball. But, you must leave the moment the moonstone begins to fade. You're a danger to others in your beastly form. We can't risk spreading the curse."

Her warning filters through my ears, but I can't keep my gaze from the stone. When I look up, she's gone, and I'm alone at the table. I'm afraid to believe her. I've never lasted in human form until morning.

But, the next day, when the sun rises through the trees, the beast doesn't rise with it.

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