Part 3

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The world is fuzzy and spinning. The acrid smell of smoke lingers in the chilly air. I open my eyes and flinch against the shafts of light spilling into my cage.

"You're awake?"

Morana steps in front of the bars. Her long hair catches in the breeze and whips around her shoulders. Behind her, tents deflate, and their poles are loaded in the wagons. The carnival dismantles piece by piece. Soon, there won't be any trace of our existence aside from the chard embers of our campfires.

I snarl. A sound that sends small children screaming, but makes Morana smile.

"We had to tranquilize you. McDermott found you in the woods. You gave him a good chase, though. He's been grumbling about it all morning." She gazes at the rising sun. "We're leaving in an hour."

The floorboards press against my bones, and I shift my bulk to a spot with thicker hay. Thin, dry stalks of straw cling to my matted fur, but at least it's fresh.

With consciousness comes the memories of last night. Terror and happiness mix together to form some kind of sludge that sits like a heavy weight in my stomach. I shouldn't have gone to the ball. I'd already made peace with my curse and considered everyone in the carnival my family. Wanting more had been too dangerous. It had also been the most beautiful night of my life.

"The prince is looking for you." Morana's face softens, and it's as if she can read my mind. "He's confused and unsure of what he saw, but he wants to find you. He set out at dawn, searching every inch of the kingdom. The palace is an uproar. He's vowed to find you or he won't marry."

A sharp pain stabs my heart. He wouldn't want me if he knew the truth. If I had stayed a second longer he would have seen the real me. This morning, he wouldn't be searching the kingdom, he'd be hunting.

She grips the bars and leans forward. I can barely hear her whisper, "Did you injure him?"

I hang my head. Regret slithers through me. I want to cry out and tell her I didn't mean to, that it was an accident. A part of me wonders if that's a lie.

Morana sighs. "I see. I'll speak with the others. We have a decision to make."

I read the struggle in her eyes, and I know what it means. I have blood on my hands and this time, it's not a poor farm boy, but a prince.

"I'm sorry, Cinder." She steps away from the cage. I clench my teeth, still tasting the copper taste of blood. His blood. I roll onto my side and dig my claws into the floor. My eyes close, and I realize I'll have to wait until the next full moon before I can cry.


A team of horses tows my cage along a rutted dirt road. Dust from their hooves fills the air creating a dirty cloud. Single file, our carnival train pulls out of the kingdom.

I watch through the bars as the castle fades into the distance. We're headed to our next stop, but the usual excitement that permeates the atmosphere is dimmed by the mess we're leaving in our wake.

"Halt, for the prince of Edenraye!" The shout echoes down the line. Our carriages pull to the side and we wait. The murmur of voices withers as a group of royal guards gallop down the path. Behind them, rides the prince. His arm is bandaged and wrapped in a sling, but it isn't the only thing that looks wounded. His bleary eyes look vacant, his face hollow, and his lips grim.

A growl of sorrow rumbles in my throat. The group passes my cage without a second look. Then, as if pulled by a tether, the prince's head turns. Our gazes clash. His horse slows and a look of recognition crosses his face. My heart races painfully. He touches his bandage and his eyes widen.

My cage lurches as the carnival train resumes its march. The prince disappears from sight, and I wonder what he knows. I wonder how long he'll last until my curse becomes his, and I wonder if Morana and the others have decided his fate.


Three months have passed since that fateful night, and the Kingdom of Edenraye is in mourning. We've heard whispers through our travels of the magnificent ball, the heartbroken prince, and his tragic end.

The mystery of the beautiful woman who vanished and drove the prince to the edge of the cliffs and beyond is told around campfires. A reward remains for information of her whereabouts and ships still scour the rocks for any sign of the prince.

But, I know the truth. The curse has claimed another, and the carnival has acquired another beast. He sits in a cage next to mine, thrilling our patrons with his horrible face.

They come in droves.

They come to see the beasts.

We don't let them down.

And on the night of the full moon, we dance.


Total Word Count: 2,447  

A/N: Thanks, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this dark fairytale. 

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