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Zoey's POV

I kneel In front of my luggage . I dig deep down and pull out the gun. I look behind me and then hide the gun inside my pants. I walk out of the room and walk out the house door. I stand in the backyard alone. Andrea, Denis, and Grayson where already out looking for Michael.

"Hey sister?" I say walking into her house

"Yeah what's up?"

" I feel like going to get ice cream with the rest of the group" I say "want anything while I'm out?"

" all I want is for the four of you to come back home safe before 6 pm " Jasmyn smiles at me. I nod and walk out her front door. The van was still parked outside the house. Hopefully I don't bump into them. I place my hand where the gun is and a smirk grew on my face. I knew Michael so well I already knew where he probably was. The bar.


I walk inside the bar and it was packed. Michael here I come.

"You can't hide away from me" I say as I spot him. I walk my way to him. I pull the back of his hair and drag him outside to the back.

"Let go of me you bitch" Michael says trying to lose my grip

"Sorry, no can do" I say still walking. We make it outside and I push him to the ground.

"This. Is . For. My. Mother" I say every time I'd kick him in the stomach. He coughs and try's to get up. I kick him again but this time right on the face. He groans then spits blood out of his mouth. A smile grew on my face.

"Die you murderer" I say pulling out the gun and pointing it at him

"Zoey stop!" I hear Grayson's voice behind me

"Are Andrea and Denis with you?" I ask not taking my eyes of Michael

"No we separated"

"Good" I say putting my index finger on the trigger

"You don't have to do this" Michael cried

"Zoey Listen to me this isn't you" Grayson said behind me

"This is exactly who I am" I say and pull the trigger. There's a loud boom. I gasp and drop the gun as I realize what I've done. I have no memory of ever bringing that gun here.

Grayson runs up to me and hugs me tight from behind.

"I'm not letting you get near that gun" Grayson says "we have to go before the police come"

Grayson let's go and quickly grabs the gun. We both run for our lives. Denis and Andrea join us on the run.

"What the hell was that gun sound!" Andrea says as we run back home. Grayson doesn't say anything he just keeps running.


"Okay explain" Andrea crosses her arms

"Michael was going to attack Zoey so without hesitation I... Pulled the trigger" Grayson lies

"You do realize that it could've hit Zoey" Denis says

"He's lying" I say looking at the ground " I somehow brought that gun here and knew exactly what I was doing when I pulled the trigger"

"Zoey... Can I talk to you for a second?" Andrea asks. I nod. The both of us walk outside and stand a bit far away from the house so the guys wouldn't hear.

"Whats up?" I ask not being able to make eye contact with her

"Did you stop taking your pills?"

"Pills!?" I ask " I never in my life had to take pills"

"That's what you think" Andrea says " ever since you stopped you completely forgot about ever taking them"

"You're not making any sense" I say as I cross my arms

"Ever since you where little something happened to you and you start going all psycho and shit so your mom took you to the hospital and turns out you had Prevoid (a/n: Prevoid is not a real word just made it up for the book 😁) "

"What the hell is Prevoid" I roll my eyes

"It's when people have two sides" Andrea says " one side is good and one is bad"

"I don't believe it" I say

"Have you ever done something so bad and then reality hits you and you have no idea how you got there or why you even did such a horrible thing?" Andrea holds my hands

" all the time" I cry "especially when I got a hold of that gun"

"Shh don't cry" Andrea hugs me

"I'm a murderer" I cry " what if Michael lied about killing mom just so I wouldn't find out that I was the real killer"

"You're not a murderer and you didn't kill your mother"

" the boys can't find out about this" I sobbed

"We already know" Denis and Grayson walk out " we heard everything and we can help"

"No you guys can't maybe I should just stay away from you guys" I cry " what if my... Other side hurts you too"

"It won't trust us" Grayson says. I nod and cry Into Grayson's arms. Denis and Andrea joined. They really are trying to make me feel better. But after what just happened I'll never recover..


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