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Elena nodded "i've always thought you were cute.."
"cute is different than love"
"I know.."Elena blushed
Klaus' hand snuck around Elenas waist, he swooped her up and took her into his room

He laid her on his bed and kisses her hungrily she managed to get on top of him and kiss Klaus, her hand tracing the outlines of his abbs.


A door busteted open, a familiar voice downstairs spoke up.
"Becka?" Klaus quietly whispered
A blonde original vamped upstairs.
"Nik?" She looked at him and Elena who was still on his bed
"explain." She added.
Elena bit her lip "um..."
"What?!" Rebecka snapped
"nothing nothing...it's just a little awkward." Elena mumbled the last part to herself.
Klaus chuckled at what Elena said Rebecka on the other hand just shot a death glare at her and Klaus.
"so are you to dating?" Rebecka asked
"doesn't it matter?"
"Considering you did kill her yes it does" Rebecka said very matter of factly
Elena giggled at what she said.
This time Klaus shot a death glare but only at Rebecka
"Rebecka it's not your business. Now go."
"Fine but we're talking in the morning." She said as she walked out of his room.


"So... I guess I'll go to bed now..."
"lets finishing the fish movie." Klaus demanded.

Elena smiled and got up and walked back to the couch rewinding to the right part.

At the end Elena fell asleep on Klaus' shoulder.
He picked her up and laid her on his bed.

Perfect ImperfectionsWhere stories live. Discover now