(Chapter Six)

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Well I guess it doesn't hurt to not sleep...

Read on my dear people.


Where in the world am I??? I can't even open the door. Is it locked from the outside or something??? This is starting to freak me the fuck out. Isn't there at least a window??? No??? Well i'm about to make one.

After one last pound on the door to see if anyone would answer I line up and am about to run straight into the wall, as stupid as that sounds but hopefully effective, when someone opens the door and it just so happens to be Mrs.Whitman. The second to last person I want to see. In case you were wondering, the first is Jason. Jason Taylor. God, just thinking his name makes my mouth water. Wait, what in the actual fuck. Did I really just think that??? I guess I hit my head pretty hard when I passed out.

"Hellooooo... Earth to Aubrey..." I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Mrs.Whitman waves her hand in front of my face.

"Where am I and why are you here??? And oh, I forgot, where the fuck am I???!!!" I'm freaking out right now. Probably a bit worse than when I was alone.

"You must be delusional child. Were in a hospital type room thingy. Inside the orphanage don't worry. I know how you hate actual doctors." She answers a bit too calmly.

"Well why are there no windows??? And why am I down here sleeping instead of my room???" I can guess why i'm not in my room. Mrs.Whitman knows how much I hate the girls and she knows that they would torture me and torment me for passing out and would probably think I was faking it just for attention... again... yes this has happened before. Only once though because after that one time of tormenting from them i've always tried to avoid using that way out of problems but some things always come back to haunt me I guess.

"You'll be fine Aubrey just go back to bed and i'll get you when you wake up, just push the button on the bed and i'll then come get you. Get some rest for your introduction tomorrow. Goodbye." She shuts the door and I lay back down to think over the past day and think about later today when I meet the new 'family'.

Actually i'm not even really sure why I passed out last night. We were only talking about me moving in with Jason's' family. I mean, it can't be that bad if they actually want me and the alpha might even accept me because they've adopted me. Things could go pretty well for once in my life, I think to myself. Then I remember that it's Jason Taylor were talking about here. Things can never go good here. But at least he won't be the one telling people at school that i'm now living with him. I bet he'd be too embarrassed of me to tell people. The alpha might tell the whole pack then the pack might tell the school then. Wait, no, not might, they will definitely tell everyone of the poor orphan that the alpha adopted because they felt bad for her. I'm not sure if anyone else knows the real reason.

It's not like they would find out the real reason. Wait, I didn't even know Jason had a sister. How old was she??? She must've not been that old cuz I've never seen her around let alone even heard of her. I can't help but feel that i'm replacing an important part of their lives. Did Jason even know that I was going to be staying with them??? I wonder what he feels about it... Does he want me there...

Gaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do I even care???!!! I really shouldn't care about him or his feelings whatsoever!!! So why do I??? I can't shake the feeling that something big is going to happen soon. I'm just scared of what it's going to be...

In case you didn't know this i'm not very good in those kinds of situations. Once someone shouts, i'm out like a light... Like I said before... who would want a weakling for a mate??? Absolutely no one, that's who...

Especially Jason... Dammit mind just shut up!!! Get him out right now or I will... I will... Damn I forgot my mind is part of me. A part of me wants Jason but the other part wants to fucking kill him for what he did to me and just ignore him for the rest of my life. But somehow I know it will be quite impossible for me to do that seeing as that we have never shared one nice word to the other yet here I am laying in bed... being pathetic. Thinking about the boy that has never left my mind for the past one and a half days. What have I come to??? Why did this have to happen to me??? Of all the people in the world, it had to be me. The weakest person in the world, phisically and emotionally. I feel scared, but the funny thing is i'm not even sure why. And I don't think I should feel scared even though the circumstances right now are the most frightening thing in the world. Well it is for me...

My head calms and I feel myself drifting off to sleep. Now only seeing the beautiful face of Jason Taylor. Cursing myself in my dreams...


So yea I couldnt get to sleep for some reason. So im letting the chick in the book go to sleep. maybe itll help seeing as i like to think of myself as the character sometimes just to get away from some things in reality. I relate my writing to whats going on in my life so if i have the same idea as anyone and you think imcoppying them then im sorry but i dont think anyone thinks that. So heres chapter six. hope you like it...

- Tori <3<3<3

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