(Chapter Sixteen)

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So, my peeplings. Another update and I broke 100 votes. That makes me super happy because just a couple weeks ago I had 27. Please continue to vote and comment... It makes me super happy!!! Read on...


Aubrey's POV:

I refuse to let this happen. The one person who I hate the most... Is the one that I have to love the most... Is it just me or does that seem pretty fucked up???

When I tried convincing myself that the sparks were just static my wolf started growling at me. What does she know, she's just in my head... Why can't I make my own decisions on who I'm in love with???

Truth is, I do want to love him. I feel so strongly towards him but I just can't do it... I can't love him and I certainly don't like him. He's put me through hell and in return is expecting my love and trust??? If that's the way he works then this is definitely not going to work out at ALL!!! But I can't just say no either. I need to know all the secrets. I need to know why he's bipolar all the fucking time. I need to know why he did what he did to me. I need to know everything. Then, but only then, will I make my decision. But it's already swayed the direction I'm not so sure I want to go... Which would be-

"Aubrey." Here it comes again... The sweet melodic voice of Jason Taylor. Oh, the way my name rolls perfectly off his tongue. It makes me just wanna... Mmmm... No no no stupid thoughts. This isn't happening again. Especially when I know everyone can hear my thoughts apparently. I hate that!!! My mind is my sanctuary!!! Nobody else should be aloud in unless I grant them permission!!!

"Baby girl... Calm down. All will be revealed soon enough. Give it time and you will understand the answers to all of your questions." Here we go again... He's all up in my mind. He just had to go and read my thoughts... Again... "But since your obviously terrified at the moment I will leave you be until you call for me. I know you don't want me, so I'll try and grant you the space you required. Understand it will be really hard for me though. I'm going to leave now. There is school tomorrow and I know you just want your sense of normality back. So you'll need the rest. If you need me I'll be across the hall, get some sleep beautiful..."

All of this was said in my head. Not once did his lips move. Not once did he move. After he was done saying this his giant wolf walked out of the broken doorway. So much for privacy tonight...

I head over to the bed that is beautifully made up. There is an ocean blue bedspread with a variety of blue pillows covering the head of the bed... Hmmm, my favorite color, how'd they know...

I plug in my phone to the charger in the wall and set the alarm for 5:30 am. I then proceed to pull the covers back and lay down preparing for sleep to take me. But I can't. I can't sleep. I have a longing for something but it's unknown. I'm tired but can't sleep because of it. So I stay up and just lay there thinking of Jason. I finally let myself have a little leeway on thinking about how amazing he is. How beautiful his wolf is. Thinking about him seems to help the sleep situation. So I continue to do just that. I remember the way it felt when he whispered in my ear. Although it was horrid words it just felt oh so intimate and just so right to be that close to him. I think about how playful he was for a few seconds in the forest. I wish he was like that all the time. It really is truly attractive when he's playful. I go back and recall al the feelings I felt during the blood bond. How much I wanted him to stay near me. How hurt he looked when I thought those cruel things...

Maybe he really does love me... And that was my final thought as I drifted off to sleep. Secretly hoping that he does, but knowing otherwise...


This chapter was a little shorter I think. I hope it's still satisfactory though. It really was only meant to be a filler so don't hate me...

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns!!!


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