(Chapter Thirty-Four)

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So I'm hoping to get this chapter up by Saturday morning before archery, but I doubt that will happen. My boyfriend and I talk to much, I need to spend time with my readers lol men are complicated sometimes. Any ways so my update after this one will be a summary of everything so far that has happened in the book, since I haven't written in forever... Anyways. Enjoy this update. It will be long. And some parts are rated R, I will label those parts in case some people don't want to read them.
Song for this chapter is "Wasting All These Tears" By Cassadee Pope.
Read on...
Aubrey's POV:
               When we got up to his bedroom he shut the door and set me on the bed, releasing my mouth from his.

 "Why did you stop?" I ask huskily. No doubt with need in my voice.

He told me he loved me. I don't know how to respond to that at all, all I know is that I want him to keep kissing me. I want him to claim me, to force me to be his.

"Aubrey, baby, I can't do anything more with you without you knowing the whole truth." He looks unsteadily at me. Like I'm about to blow up in his face. Whatever he has to say, I don't care about it anymore. I just want him, how he is right now.

"I do know the truth though, I know that you love me. But now it's my turn. It's my turn to love you." I walk towards him slowly, hoping that he will accept my offer. He just backs away like I feared he would do. There's a pinch in my heart and I just want to hide in a hole. A sad look comes across his face and that pains my heart even more.

        "Aubrey, you don't understand. You will probably want to leave if I tell you the truth about everything. Trust me baby, if you don't want to leave after I tell you all of this, I promise I will definitely have my way with you." I unexpectedly give out a low satisfied growl at his words. I feel the effect they have on me when my whole body racks with shivers.

"Thank you, sir." His eyes darken at my sudden composure but he quickly disregards it. He makes his way over to the edge of the bed and sits a good three feet away from me. Probably to make sure nothing distracts either of us during this conversation.

Which reminds me, what does he even need to talk about. I can't think of anything that would be this serious. I tried convincing myself that it was othing too important. But when I looked at Jason I saw fear, straight fear in his piercing blue eyes.

        "What are you so afraid of Jase?" I see his features soften at the name and he reaches across the space that divides us to grab my hands. The small gesture sends shocks through my body, but i'm so close to getting answers, I can't act on my emotions right now.

         He opens his mouth and I take a huge breath while i'm still left wondering what is so important that he had to pull me out of school for...

        "I will keep this as straight forward as I possibly can," he says in a low tone. This reminds me of dad... How he finally decided to tell me he was throwing me away. "Sarah. Does she not remind you of anyone you've ever met before?" I shake my head in confusion, knowing that he doesn't want me to speak. Sarah is just my bestfriend... But ever since that dream i've wondered what she had to do with anything. I shouldn't trust my mind.

        "She is not your bestfriend. Well, not like you had previously thought. She comes from the Dead Soul pack. That just so happens to be the same pack that your dad resigned to."

        I just stared at him with a blank look on my face. I didn't know what to say to him. Just the mention of my dad and I can't stand this discussion anymore. But, what really gets me would have to be how Jason knows all of this. How does he know about my dad, how would he know what pack he joined after I left? This makes no sense to me.

        He looks at me wearily, "I'll just start from the beginning... So, around ten years ago, when your dad joined our neighboring pack, the Dead Soul Pack, we all decided to make a treaty type thing between the packs. We knew your father was no good but we decided anyways to present him with his daughter if she turned up. That's what he requested, to have you. But, from what i've seen of him, I wouldn't let him even lay his eyes on you.

Now I don't know everything about your relationship with your dad but this compromise was keeping the peace between packs. I believe that they want you just to satisfy the alpha, which is your dad, but they aren't willing to get you themselves, so they've sent Sarah out to find you and bring you back. So please baby, be careful around her..."

I was so not surprised at everything he was telling me. Why? Because I've been through worse. I understand whats happening now but I will refuse to go back with my father. And how could Sarah do this to me?!

"Thats why I couldn't get to close to you. Thats why I had to make you hate me and our pack. Just so you wouldn't want to stay with us, but we couldn't keep you as a rogue forever on our land."

He pauses... "Now I love you though. And I won't let anything happen to you. You're staying with me 

"Im not scared, Jason... But please... I can't handle this by myself. I need you..." I realize all that I'm saying is true. I want and need him fully.

Jasons POV<3:

"Ive been waiting the longest time to hear those words." I need her too. I want my mate right now.

She trusts me... I reach over and grab her gently, pulling her onto my lap so she's straddling me. Then I dip my head down to give her a tender kiss just for her lips. Just for her to know she's loved. She kisses me back and I have never been happier or more satisfied than  am right now.

"Can I mark you, love?" I hear the words coming out of my mouth before I process them through my head. She stares at me with wide eyes but slightly nods her head. She very well knows that if I mark her and we don't have sex she will soon go into heat.

I quickly throw her down and put her hands above her head in a dominant fashion.

"Not like this..." She says looking scared. My poor baby girl. What has happened to her.

I quickly let her go and start kissing all over her lovely body, licking and nipping at her skin occasionally. I hear soft moans coming from her which just make me even more aroused.

I tear her shirt of and attack her neck in kisses, feeling her squirm under me, knowing I'm on her sweet spot where I'm going to mark her.

I trace my fingers down her navel and grab her hips tightly as i sink my teeth into her. Making her mine.

"Jase..." She whispers my name as I lap up the tiny amount of blood that came out.

"You're mine, baby." Ive never been happier. "Do you want me to keep going?"

She stares up at me with her big doe eyes and says, "Yes."

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