He's Different

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*Sarah's POV*

I am in the back room taking sneakers off the top shelf on a ladder. When I start to climb down I slip and fall off the ladder but John catches me.

"Thanks I could have broken my neck." He starts helping me pick the sneakers off the floor and putting them back in the boxes.

"You're welcome. You must have had that really cute boy on your mind from yesterday." He helps me take the boxes to the front and starts placing them where they are supposed to be.

"Who Levi? No. I don't even remember him." I but my hand through my hair and fix some of the sneakers.

"If you don't remember him, then how do you know his name?" He smirks at me and I go sit behind the counter and he leans on it. I started to smile cause he was right I couldn't get Levi off my mind all yesterday and part of today.

"Girl if you don't go out with him I will." I look at John and he had an evil smirk on his face.

"I don't think he goes that way."

"Whatever girlfriend. Just go take your break right now." I go into the back and punch out my card. When I walk back to the front I saw Levi by the counter and John on the other side of the store.

"Hey Sarah." He remembered my name this is so perfect. He must have been thinking about me like I was thinking about him. Probably not maybe my name is just easy to remember.

"Hey Levi. What are you doing back here so soon for?" He puts his hands in his pockets and looks at the ground some. He looks back up at me and smiles.

"Umm you know walking around town and I just stopped here to say hi. Do you wanna get something to eat? I know a great burger place a couple blocks away. Only if you are on break though." I smile at him and nod my head some.

"Yeah that would be cool. Come on lets go." We walk there in silence I had like a million questions for him but I didn't know where to start. He holds open the door for me like a perfect gentlemen and I can't help but smile. We sit at a booth, I sit on one side while he sits on the other.

"Sooo have you ever been here before." He puts his hand through his hair and doesn't give me eye contact.

"No this is my first time. But I like it already, thanks for taking me here." Our waiter comes to the table and we both order the same thing. A cheeseburger with cheese fries and a coke. When our waiter left all Levi did was look at the table and not at me.

"So how old are you?" I play with the lemon in my drink with the straw.

"15." He smirks some and bits his lip.

"So am I. So do you take every girl here? Or am I just the lucky one?"I look up at him and smirk. He leans back in his seat and taps his fingers on the table twice.

"The lucky one." I giggle some. The food comes and we start to eat, after we are finished he walks me back to work.

"So do you think I can get yor number. I wanna text or call you if anything goes wrong." He has a shy smile on his face that could just make me melt.

"Yeah sure. Give me your phone." He hands me his phone and I type my name and number in it. I hand it back to him and he leaves. I walk back behind the counter and start working again. A couple of hours have passed and still no call or text from Levi.

"He isn't like other guys is he?" John comes up and stands on the side of me.

"Nope. He is just so amazing, he had manners, he respects me, he isn't cocky he is just so perfect. Maybe he is the one." John looks at me and his mouth drops.

"Calm yourself little girl, you are only 15 and you are talking about him being the one. I haven't even found someone even close to the one."

"Levi isn't like that at all he's different from all other guys. It's like he is made for me, but anyway you know I'm not allowed to date." John walks away and I continue to work. Two hours later my mom picks me up from work. I have dinner with my dad, and mom then I take my shower. It was 8 at night when my phone ringed and it wasn't a number that I knew.

"Hello who is this?" There was a long pause and then the person started to talk.

"Hey it's Levi." I sit up in my bed and I put my phone on speaker.

"Oh hey. What's up?"

"Can we talk for a while I wanna get to know you better and I want you to know me better. If that's ok with you." I bounce up and down on my bed.

"Yeah that's cool." I never felt this way for a guy before, I was excited, happy and nervous at once. I didn't feel tempted to talk to him, talking to him came natural.

"Home school or public school?" This was the most stupidest question I could ask him.

"Home. How about you?" He must think it's not that stupid if he asking me.

"Home school, I feel like it's easier then being around a bunch of people that don't like me at all." We keep talking, asking and answering questions. I think it's weird some how me and him are alike in so many ways. Then he got into the topic I didn't want to talk about.

"Ever had a boyfriend?" I hate it when guys always ask me this question after they find out and hear about my purity rule they think I'm weird.

"No, my family and I think it's a great idea to wait and that person that has the same morals as me will come to me one day. Plus he will understand my purity to marriage rule." There was silence on his end and then a chuckle.

"Same here. I think it's really strange how much we have in common. It's really nice talking to someone who understands me like you do." I lay in my bed and turn to look at the clock on my desk and it said 12:00. I am shocked I have been on the phone with Levi this much.

"Levi I have to go, it's 12:00 and I have work in the morning good night."

"Really?! I have work in the morning too. Good night, I will text you after work." I hang up my phone and put it on the charger. Tonight I said my daily prayer but it changed some, I prayed for Levi. I prayed to know if he really is the one or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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