The Day My Mother Died, Changed My Life - Chapter One

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I sat here making my hair look ‘Josh’ perfect, staring at my bedroom walls. I thought back to when I was 3 and my mother was playing barbies with me, dad had gone out shooting rabbits. Who knows why he shots the poor fellas, but at least that is all he kills.

“Josh come play with the girl barbie” my mother encouraged. I waddled over to my mother, “But mommy, Kenny Wenny is just more fun, look he had boobies too!” as I pulled up his shirt. My mom burst into giggles, she took shook her head. “Josh baby, he doesn’t have boobs because he is a boy. Josh do you have boobs?” I thought for a second, then lifted up my SpongeBob shirt and looked at my flat chest, “But mommy Katie said that i’ll get boobs when I grow into a big boy like her” I said rather confused. Mother fluffed up my jelled jet black hair, “Josh you’ll learn, just wait and you won’t want boobs” She picked me up and cuddled me into her chest, I rapped my small hands around her and started to hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Mother started singing in time with my humming, a huge smile was planted over her face.

“JOSHHHHHH your father is home” my mother shouted up the stairs. Oh yeah back to reality. I looked around my room and nothing was out of place, clothes neatly put away. I walked over to a picture that was placed on my desk, it was a picture of me and my mother, when we’d just had ice-cream. We both had ice-cream everywhere and huge smiles on our faces. I touched the photo with my finger and whispered “Mom why can’t you smile like that now.” I placed the photo back and turned to look at my reflection in the mirror. I looked at a grown up Josh, one who has giving up all hope of becoming a biological father to either a son or a daughter, i gave up the chance to have a normal relationship. I walked to my door, and made the walk down the stairs, I reached the last step and decided I needed to pee. I ran all the way up the stairs did my business and looked into the mirror. I kept telling myself everything is going to be fine, mom and dad are going to expect me. Maybe dad won’t but I hate him for making mom miserable. I took a deep breath and ran down the stairs into where my mother and father were.

“Mom, Dad. Sit down I need to tell you something” gulp. “I’m gay.”                                                                            Then I ran up to my room, not wanting to see the disappointment on my parents faces. I’m Josh Allen Taylor, I’m completely and utterly gay. All my life I’ve been gay when I was 6 all my sisters got make up for Christmas, I cried for 3 days because I got a toy train. I used to dress up in my sisters dresses, even used to have long hair so I could wear accessories. Cringe! I have 4 sisters and surprise surprise, I’m the only boy. Katie, is the oldest being 21. She has long yellow blonde hair, she has a freckle below her right eye she calls it a birthmark but we all know she got it when she was on holiday in Spain 2 years ago. I’m 17, I’m not what people class ‘attractive’. At school I’m pretty much an outcast, don’t get me wrong I have many of friends, but they are the lower class of high school. For example, nerds, emos, Goths and nobodies, they’re my friends. And where do I fit in my stereotypical names? I fit right at the top of the list ‘Emo’ because you might ask, year 9 got depressed over my father beating my mother up, slit my wrist. Wala, got my name as emo guy now. There are also the triplets Lola, Teresa and Kimberly all 15. Not many people can tell them apart but I can, the trick is Lola has a freckle on the hand, Teresa is the tallest and Kimberly has the funniest personality. All 3 have natural sunflower blonde hair, sea blue eyes.

At school I have 2 really good friends Skye and Andy they’re the best friends ever, I wouldn’t be the guy I am now if it wasn’t for them. I’ve known Skye for since forever she has a brother names Corey and man, he is dreamy! Corey is 22 and is currently dating my sister Katie; they’ve been together about 3 months now. Skye doesn’t like it at much as I do; Katie isn’t the type of girl to date a jock. Now she’s dating the biggest jock in Dunstable.                                              “JOSH!” Kimberly came running in my room, “Skye is here” she shouted jumping around in my room. I ran as fast as I could totally forgetting I’d just told my parents I am gay. I ran into the kitchen and out the other door, just as my Mother Sue was opening the door, and I ran straight into the door and fell on my ass. “Josh, you’re so clumsy! Come over here and give me a hug, I haven’t seen you in Way to long baby!” Skye held out her hand to help me up, I took it and gave her the biggest hug ever. My dad cleared his throat he was giving me evils that could kill, and then I remembered I’d told them. I’d told them I was gay, I’d planned to never see them again, just to live in my bedroom, but no Skye came and ruined everything. I grabbed Skye’s hand and ran out of the front door and didn’t stop running in till I reached the park. “Woahh Josh, why did you just give your dad the cold shoulder– Josh don’t cry” yes, I was crying. “I-I told them, S-Skye I told them that I’m g-gay” I tried to say between sobs. Skye didn’t say anything, she just held me in her arms. After a while I calmed down and told her how I did it, and that she had ruined my plan. She laughed and told me they’ll still love me anyway. I looked around the park, I’ve always loved this park me and mother used to come here all the time. Usually to get away from dad, because he gets violent sometimes, I remember falling of the swing over to my right and my mother hugging me to make my knee stop hurting. She kissed my head and told me to go play while she went to see her friend. I never did know where she went all the times I was playing horses in the park.

Skye finally talked me into going home, as soon as we walked through the door; I knew that this was a really bad idea coming home. There we’re broken bottles, the TV was smashed and my mother was sat in the corner crying. I walked over to her and hugged her, she looked like she needed it, and she was trying to tell me something but from her crying it was almost impossible to make out. She finally spoke “Josh, go. Before your dad ruins your life.” That’s when she fell to the floor and cried her heart out. Things happened pretty fast after that, my dad came through the kitchen with a gun, was he going to kill me? Oh no, that would have been way too easy. My mother got up off the floor and ran at him, before she reached him the gun sound when off. I ran to my mother’s side as she fell to the floor, she wasn’t crying, she wasn’t moaning in pain all she did was whisper “I love you for who you are, don’t let your real father change you. Look after your sisters” tears ran down my face as her hand which was on my cheek slid down and she went limp. “Mom, no, mom wake up!” I shook her. “Skye ring an ambulance she can’t be gone yet, please no don’t let her go.” I said with tears flooding my eyes. I stood up, genially laying my mother’s head on the floor. I turned to the man who just killed the only woman I would love with so much passion. Then it sank in, she was gone. There wasn’t anyone who could bring her back. I looked my father in the eyes; he looked at me with such hate it actually hurt.                                     “I hate you” he said to me with just venom in his voice, he bent down and whispered into my mother’s ears “You did this to your son, he was never my blood. Your slutty ways got you a son who is a disgusting fag.” Then he walked out whistling as he went.


Author's Note: Soo, that was chapter one... Wasn't the best starting ever.. but meh.. Comment, Like.. What ever you wanna doo... Hate on it? Goooo right ahead ;D <3 Love bethh

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