Chapter 3

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A/n - once again i posted a pic ofa character :D this time is Sapphira. Hope you like


Springing to my feet I quickly mumbled something about going to the library as I snatched my bag from the ground and I rushed away. As I walked further away from all the 'normal' teenagers behind me on the 'playground' I couldn't help feeling a little bitter that no matter how much I'd try to act it, I'll just never be normal like all those kids behind me, chatting to friends or playing football on the playground in the minutes before the bell would go to signal the start of school.

As if to proof that I'm really not normal I don't even act normal when i'm in shock, which I could tell was affecting me now. Example? Well i'm no doctor or any thing but from what I've seen when people normally go into shock they act all dazed and frozen or something. Me? Haha - I should be so lucky! Nope - I feel restless, as if I have to keep moving, and instead of things going fuzzy or not being able to comprehend thing, for me it's as if every thing goes into high definition.

I can see things, hear things, smell things that normally I'd miss. Its as if my mind goes on high speed, and though the brain fog is still there its as if it spreads out into a mist instead; thin and gauzy - present enough for it to still have some effect but thin enough for me to be able to concentrate and process things that I just couldn't before. It's as if I normally life in a state of shock and only now is it fading.

As I walked along I could see a group of year 7's dawdling next to the bushes that ran along the right of this path close to this side of the cafeteria/canteen. I could see one girl look kind of shifty and a little guilty as she looked around to see if anyone was watching her or looking her way before she tossed her food-wrapper into the bushes behind her as subtly as she could, even though there was a bin not 15ft from where they were standing.

I could smell the warm, smoky smell of cigarettes from behind the science/design tech block to the left of me. I could smell the last whiff of smoke as some of the 'populars' from years 9, 10 and 11 stomped their cigarette stubs into the grass on the field in front of them.

I could also hear the sound of hurried footsteps from behind me and I didn't need my cat's purr of content at him coming after me to know it was Ethan. A couple more steps and the slight hill levelled out and I switched from my rushed walk to a fast run, shooting off to my right towards the canteen before Ethan had a chance to respond. From behind me I heard Ethan quickly curse then his footfalls quicken as he switched to a run.

Without uttering a sound I dodged a group of girls who cut across my path and slipped between two guys, one of whom I vaguely recognised from my English class. I haphazardly cut my way through the crowd that flooded this area around the canteen doors, making it very difficult to get through quickly, but not impossible. I ran straight through a group of girls crowded around a couple of the 'cool' guys [who, either fortunately or not, where also in some of my classes,] causing the girls to back-up and scatter, mumbling about how rude I was whilst the guys looked at me in amusement and possibly a little irritated, but I was running too fast to properly see.

One of the guys, Aaron I think, called something out, but I didn't hear what it was. Suddenly I got an idea, and - not bothering to think about the consequences [as usual] - I back-tracked stood next to Aaron and Joe, who were the two popular dudes I'd just scattered the girls away from. They turned and looked at me quizzically and kind of warily [especially Aaron].

Before I could think another thought or chicken out I snapped my hand, out and Aaron flinched back, probably thinking I was gunna hit him, but when my hand slid behind his neck he looked at me half quizzically and half amused, a hint of something in his eyes but not being good at reading eyes I had no idea what it was. I swallowed quickly then crashed my lips to his just as Ethan managed to get around a rather large group of giggly girls that stood behind me.

Hiding the Wolf in me [On Hold] (Incomplete & Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now